
Peer Responses:

What Is a 3 – 2 – 1?
The idea is to give students a chance to summarize some key ideas,
rethink them in order to focus on those that they are most intrigued by,
and then pose a question that can reveal where their understanding is
still uncertain. You don’t have to agree with your peers, and if you
don’t, please do so respectfully. This is our “in class” discussion, and
everyone has his/her opinion.

How Does It Work? Students create a discussion post that responds to their peers using the following format:

3 Things You Found Out by reading their discussion, (Do you agree with what your peer wrote?)

2 Interesting Things by reading their discussion and (Why are these interesting? Do you have additional insight after reading these things?)

1 Question You Still Have for that person. (What do you still wonder about? Go back and read what your peers wondered about after reading your initial post.)

responses should be 250 words per response and should have these
elements in responses. In order to receive full credit on discussions,
the initial question I pose must be answered fully and 2 responses to
others with 250 words each in 321 format must be applied.

is a great example of what a 3-2-1 response looks like for FULL credit!
Keep in mind you need to respond to two other posts in each module
discussion for FULL credit!

Example of a 3-2-1 response:

thing I learned from your discussion was that the mother nests during
the last trimester of her pregnancy. I understand this is a natural
instinct that mothers have as the birth of their child comes closer. If
human mothers experience this instinct, I wonder if other species have
this same instinct to prepare for a new arrival. The second thing I
learned were the terms and explanations of the “Shultz” side being the
side of the fetus and the “Duncan” side is the maternal side. I did not
know there were terms for these areas. The last thing I learned from
your discussion was the use of the different tools to assist in
delivery. Some of the methods such as the vacuum were somewhat
surprising because of the amount of possible pressure put on the fetus’s
head. I wonder what the potential damage is to the fetus and mother.

things I found interesting were the assisted delivery by an episiotomy
and the VBAC. The episiotomy seems necessary if the baby is larger than
the vaginal canal or if the surrounding tissue begins to tear. From what
I understand this is very painful and something I would like to avoid
at all cost. The VBAC is also interesting because it offers the mother
who previously delivered by cesarean the opportunity to experience
“natural” or vaginal childbirth. I understand that vaginal delivery has a
faster recovery period than any other method of delivery.

My question is, what types of things do women do to nest or what does nesting mean?”

Tiffany Student 1

Psychosocial Development


off my age I am facing the “Intimacy vs. Isolation” development stage
according to Erik Erikson eight stages of psychosocial development.
Which from my understanding what Erikson is telling us if we have yet
not learned to love ourselves how will we be ready to share ourselves
with others. In order too do that we would have to have successfully
resolved the previews stages (OpenStax College, 2014). I agree with the
“love yourself before you let someone else love you” because that’s just
good for your mental health, I think. The part I must disagree with is
the age Erickson says you are in this stage and how you have too
successfully resolved from the stages before hand. The reason I disagree
on the age is because people learn too love themselves at different
stages in their life and some are just born loving themselves. As for
getting over the other stages first before being able too attempted the
“Intimacy vs. Isolation” stage I disagree because I can see myself in
the Industry vs. Inferiority stage more so than the Intimacy vs.
Isolation because I caught myself comparing me too others. Although I
love myself and allow my husband to love me I still wonder why other
people are more ahead of me in life or already have a family and wonder
why am I not at that level yet? So, it’s hard to say what stage I place
myself in. I do and don’t believe that developmental tasks and
psychosocial crisis’ play a role in who you become. The reason is
because I grew up with a nonworking dad and my mom who worked in fast
food. With my dad not working I learned who feel like a woman should
never relie on a man and make her own money. We all know fast food
workers don’t bank and my mom had three kids so I know how to mange my
money. So going through that made me think and feel that way. But in a
way I am like no one in my family puts up with anything. They have a
backbone and always told us not to put up with anyone or anything. I am
the biggest baby and most caring (honking my own horn) you will met. I
see you cry I will cry. I always wish for a world of just happiness. I
even feel bad for killers sometimes. Which I dislike about myself.
Should be wasting my energy on people who don’t need it. But at the end
of the day everyone is still a living person. It’s someone family and I
know I don’t want to hear mean things about mine. Also, we chose how we
react. Not how we feel but what we do with those feelings. So I guess
psychosocial crisis is more of what makes you; you.


OpenStax College. (2014). Psychology. Houston, TX: OpenStax CNX. Retrieved from < /contents/Sr8Ev5Og@5.101:-JmAXPOj@4/What-Is-Psychology>.

Student 2

Psychosocial Theory

According to Erik Erikson’s eight stages of psychosocial development, I am currently in the sixth stage known as the intimacy vs. isolation stage. Erikson describes the intimacy vs. isolation as
the stage where one has developed a sense of independence and is
looking for a committed relationship. If a person fails to find a
significant other that person will experience feelings of failure and
loneliness. In this stage I believe Erkison is trying to explain that
once a person knows who they are and what they want in life such as
where they want to live, if they are going to college and where, what
career they want to study, then they are ready and seeking to include
another individual into their plans. Although Erikson’s theories place
me in the sixth stage because of my age, I am still in the fifth stage
known as identity vs. role confusion. In identity vs. role confusion, Erikson
explains how adolescents are trying to find themselves and are trying
to find out what they want to do with their lives. Failure to complete
this stage successfully, the adolescent will struggle with their
identity as an adult and will not be successful in building that
intimate relationship Erikson talks about in the intimacy vs. isolation stage.
I feel that for the most part I know what I want in life. I know that I
want to get my nursing license and work here in Odessa after graduating
but sometimes I do question and second guess if I want to stay in
Odessa or move to a different city in Texas. I also sometimes struggle
with my identity in terms of values and beliefs. “Erikson said that we
must have a strong sense of self before developing intimate
relationships with others. Adults who do not develop a positive
self-concept in adolescence may experience feelings of loneliness and
emotional isolation,” (OpenStax College, 2014). I am not quite ready for
an intimate relationship just yet and I would like to fully figure out
myself or successfully complete this stage before moving on to the intimacy vs. isolation stage.