
-Your answers should be between 6 and 8 pages, but no more than 8 typewritten pages, double spaced, 12 font with I inch margins for both questions, that is, 8 pages in total as a maximum, but please realize that a very short paper may not do as well. Make sure that you place your discussion of these topics within a historical context. Make references to your reading (mostly to the primary sources on the website), but do not be afraid of being creative. What is expected is a serious critical evaluation of the material and imagination.

-If you quote verbatim from a book or a primary source, the passage should be within quotation marks and properly acknowledge in a footnote or end note. You may use the Chicago Manual of Style or the MLA format (or parenthetical if you are referring to the same source. If so, a very short bibliography is welcome.

If you are paraphrasing information from either the texts or the lectures it should be also properly cited. If a lecture you could do this as follows:
(Ruiz, lecture (day of the lecture)

Here is a short example:

Teofilo F. Ruiz, Spanish Society, 1348-1700 (book titles in Italics), 2nd ed. (New York: Routledge, 2017), (here you should place the page number followed by a period).When citing it again,

Ruiz, Spanish Society, (in Italics) and the page number followed by a period.


Part I.

Discuss the role of the Jews and of Conversos in Spanish history up to 1550. Be specific. Provide names and events. Discuss the issues leading to the creation of the Inquisition, the expulsion of the Jews in 1492, and its aftermath. You must make references to the documents on the web site (same as the course reader), such as Inquisition trials, life of conversos, etc. Lectures and also Ruiz, Spain’s Centuries of Crisis. First chapter of Spanish Society, You Tube presentation on Avila, You Tube lectures

Part II.

What was the nature of Spanish culture in the period between 1300 and the reign of the Catholic Monarchs? How does the culture of Castile compare to that of Aragon? After discussing these topics in some detail, focus on Jorge Manrique’s Ode to the Death of My Father. What does that poem tell you about Castilian culture and values in the late fifteenth century and as to Manrique’s intent and values? Manrique’s poem. Ruiz, Spain: Centuries of Crisis

Use this information to answer the questions above:file:///Users/Gabby/Downloads/Teofilo%20F.%20Ruiz%20-%20Spanish%20Society,%201348%E2%80%931700-Routledge%20(2017).pdf
