Select the fallacy committed by each of the following arguments.
1)Ocasio-Cortez argues that a border wall is a waste of money, but she is a radical socialist so her argument can be dismissed.
b)false dilemma
c)small sample
d)ad hominem
2)Philosophers tend to be atheists. Both of my philosophy instructors in college were atheists
a)red herring
b)staw person
c)small sample
d)complex question
3)Try this copper bracelet, it can help relieve joint pain!
d)weasel words
4)We make people prove their driving skills before allowing them to drive. But bad parents do more harm than bad drivers. Therefore, we should establish a department of parenting that requires prospective parents to pass an exam before they are allowed to procreate.
a)faulty analogy
c)ad hominem
d)straw person
5)Bob Wefald opposes marijuana legalization because of its alleged effects on motivation. Yet, he has no problem drinking alcohol, which is far worse!
a)questionable cause
b)two wrongs
c)straw person
6)Vote Harris! This country need new ideas!
d)questionable cause
7)Democrats are the problem. They don’t care about crime and want illegal immigrants, no matter how bad they may be, to pour into and infest our country, like MS-13. They can’t win on their terrible policies, so they view them as potential voters. Donald Trump
a)faulty analogy
b)false dilemma
d)straw person
8)May I have an extension on the essay. My cat got ran over and my baby has the measles.
c)begging the question
d)red herring
9)I got a great deal on this desk top computer! My payments are only $49.99 a month for the next six years!
b)faulty analogy
d)unrepresentative sample
10) If we violate a human embryo today, tomorrow we will become callous about the fetus, then the infant, and then people with physical defects. Joni Eareckson Tada.
b)slippery slope
c)faulty analogy
d)false dilemma
11)Don’t be fooled by those gun control liberals. They want to take away your gun and leave you defenseless!
b)red herring
12)Studies show that if you build a wall, crime will fall.
a)unidentified experts
b)circumstatial ad hominem
c)red herring
d)faulty analogy
13)If you don’t believe in God, you have no reason to care about right and wrong.
a)false dilemma
b)straw person
d)small sample
14)Some say we should use human cloning to help infertile couples have children. But there are millions of abandoned and neglected children in the world who desperately need a home. We must help Sally help these poor children!
a)red herring
b)straw person
c)complex question
d)false dilemma
15)The Bible is my moral compass. Therefore, since Psalm 137.9 says: “O daughter of Babylon, you devastated one, How blessed will be the one who repays you How blessed will be the one who seizes and dashes your little ones against the rock;” it must be morally okay to kill the children of our enemies.
a)straw person
c)unrepresentative sample
d)rhetorical question
16)Skeptics are wrong to question reports of miracles in the Bible. After all, the birth of every child is itself a miracle
a)false dilemma
c)complex question
d)straw person
17)We start with the assumption that the Bible is the inerrant work of God, so we know evolution is a farce because it contradicts God’s word!
a)questionalbe cause
b)false dilemma
c)begging the question
d)faulty analogy
18)Every teen who took a gun to school plays violent video games. Clearly these games are turning our teens into killers!
c)questionable cause
d)straw person
19)When will the Democrats stop lying about border security?
a)two wrongs
b)red herring
c)complex question
d)unrepresentative sample
20)Since nursing students are highly motivated, it must be the case that all community college students are highly motivated.
b)red herring
d)unrepresentative sample