
Instructions: Responses should be a minimum of 250 words and include direct questions. You may challenge, support or supplement another student’s answer using the terms, concepts and theories from the required readings. Also, do not be afraid to respectfully disagree where you feel appropriate; as this should be part of your analysis process at this academic level.

Forum posts are graded on timeliness, relevance, knowledge of the weekly readings, and the quality of original ideas. Sources utilized to support answers are to be cited in accordance with the APA writing style by providing a general parenthetical citation (reference the author, year and page number) within your post, as well as an adjoining reference list. Refer to grading rubric for additional details concerning grading criteria.

Respond to Robert:

Law enforcement has been given the primary responsibility to take care of the community or to ensure safety and security are maintained across the board. Over the years, these obligations had been shifted to the fight of terrorism. Still, law enforcement renders their outstanding support to the community in a time of threats or danger. The threat of terrorism will never happen in a vacuum, but rather happened in the community and lives in the community are the ones that will get affected. Based on these undeniable facts, the positive reasons why the police need to continue to build a relationship with the community is to help fight off crime and prevent terrorism. The threats of terrorist action can occur in two different forms, either transnational in origin or with homegrown. The eyes of the community on the ground are more than the eyes of the police or the presence of surveillance cameras on the street, and better bond between the community and law enforcement can expose any suspicious activities (Grabosky, 2008). Moreover, a crime occurred in the community; therefore, the much involvement of the community will bring two edge swords to the fight because whatever affects the eyes affect the nose as well.

Furthermore, another positive side of building a relationship with the community is that it encourages a strong partnership to fight terrorism. There is a famous saying that “together we stand and divided we fall,” the current method of information sharing, the community will contribute better in information sharing when the police partnership with the community. There will be mutual trust between the community and the police to deter and prevent terrorist activists and any form of criminality in the country (Docobo, 2005). There least the police have trust with the community; the least sharing of information will be of benefit to the police because it will not be taken seriously.

Another positive side of community policing is creating and building public outreach. Some crimes and threats police are fighting right now are without public awareness. The community relationship causes excellent awareness in our society, not to excite fear, but enabling the individual to be off guard and a team player of the crime at hand. The need for the community is not trained as professionals in tactical controlling of crime rather an alliance to control disorder and reduce crime in our community (Murray, 2005).

The negative effect of community policing in response to terrorism is that issues in dealing with terrorism depend much more on intelligence and tactical from average community policing, and lack of experience can cause more harm than good (Lee, 2010). Lack of experience in dealing with specific threats can result in loss of lives. There are levels that the community can be of help if they better understand the level and danger or the risk involved, since September 2001 focus of community policing was shifted, which leads to a reduction in the budget (Chappell & Gibson, 2009). The interest and zeal towards community policing are drifting away, which leads to distrust between the police and the community.

Chappell, A. T., & Gibson, S. A. (2009). Community policing and homeland security policing: Friend or foe? Criminal Justice Policy Review, 20(3), 326–343.

Docobo, J. (2005). Community policing as the primary prevention strategy for homeland security at the local law enforcement level. Homeland Security Affairs, 1(1), 1–12. Retrieved

Grabosky, P. (2008). Community policing in an age of terrorism. Crime, Law and Social Change, 50(1–2), 1–5.

Lee, J. V. (2010). Policing after 9/11: Community policing in an age of homeland security. Police Quarterly, 13(4), 347–366.

Murray, J. (2005). Policing Terrorism: A Threat to Community Policing or Just a Shift in Priorities? Police Practice and Research, 6(4), 347–361.