
PROPOSAL: 2 SLIDES WHICH YOU WILL ALSO PRESENT IN CLASS INFORMALLY OVER 3-5 MINUTES MAXIMUM (from “Revised Guidelines & Rubric for Team Innovation Research Project (rev 10-08-19).docx”)

  • Slide 1: Your team #, the members of the team (full names followed by any nicknames in parenthesis), identifying info such as course number, section, day, semester and year, name of the proposed subject company that you wish to analyze using the concepts of the course and recommend a product/service innovation strategy for its next 3-5 years. (Note please check first that it is an independent company)
  • Slide 2: Why you want to study this company, what makes it interesting to you (including any personal interests of team members); your team’s initial reactions on the relevant issues and concepts that come to mind (what topics you especially want to look at, an initial sense or “hunch” of how you plan to go about it) and a sampling (at least 5 url links and titles (and dates) of materials you already found in a quick preliminary search on internet that are recent and relevant (no business school case studies, no website from the company itself, etc., these will be refined/ increased to 5-8 articles latter, but in class we can give you feedback if you are getting the right kind of articles). Note that the “Revised Guidelines & Rubric for Team Innovation Research Project (rev 10-08-19).docx” in BB General Folder, gives you guidance on what kinds of topics are especially relevant to cover in the articles you search for.
  • Note: The subject company and how you plan to go about it – must be approved by the instructor before you go further ahead with your research project. Also if two or more teams propose the same company, only one team can do it, and the others must find different subject companies to study. In this situation, preference would be given to the first team to submit on BB, unless the earlier of the teams voluntarily agrees to change their topic.
  • Generally two slides is the right length. Please use a third slide ONLY if you think it is absolutely needed. Please no wasted table of contents or “thank you” slides.
  • Remember to do the obvious but important things before you submit it via BB, such as spell-checking, proof-reading, numbering the slides, making sure the electronic filename of your 2-slide proposal has the correct format of “Team#-Semester-Year-Course#-Your-Section#-Name-of-Proposed subject company- 2-Slide-Preso” (for example, “T4-F-19-741-A2-Tencent-2-Slide-Preso.pptx”), and that it is a .ppt or .pptx document (not .pdf). If you are using Google docs or Apple, just be sure to make a version by saving as .ppt or .pptx and use this in submitting it to BB. No multi-stage or animation slides please.