Watch two videos on increase in domestic violence during COVID
Write two paragraphs on the discussion board:
First paragraph
After watching two videos, write one paragraph reflection on your
thoughts. Second paragraph: In the second paragraph, discuss one area that the problem might also
be likely to increase due to the covid 19. Then also discuss how do we
reach out or communicate with that population.
2- Review the video on Pandemic and Mental Health
After watching the video, write 1 paragraph reflection on what your strategies are to keep the anxiety at an optimal level. In addition, read other students’ reflection and provide your feedback to at least one post.
write another paragraph reflection on if and how you connect with your “few real good friends” in this pandemic. Do you connect with them more often than ever? If so does it help you to connect with them? Or do you find yourself isolating from others more? In addition, read other students’ reflection and provide your feedback to at least one post.
3- Read the article attached and answer the following questions
A. According to the authors, Egyptian society is changing in ways that are similar to what has occurred in the United States.What are the three parts of the “triple revolution” that the authors refer to?
B. According to mainstream scholarship in the 1950s and 60s, what changes were said to lie behind rioters in Third World countries like Egypt?
C. How did Charles Tilly’s 1964 study, The Vendee, change the way scholars viewed protests?
D.According to the authors Thomas Friedman’s view of Egyptian protesters as “millions of Egyptians” disconnected from digital / social media networks.What kinds of digital connections do the authors draw our attention to?
E. What was the April 6th movement and what was it’s significance, according to the authors?
F. What is meant by “informal networks?”How does social media amplify the effect of informal networks?
G. What kinds of international connections (“external linkages”) were significant for the Arab Spring protest movement in Egypt?
H. What is meant by “alternative public sphere” and why was it significant?
I. How did social media contribute to a sense of community among protesters?
J. What is the significance of “elite acquiescence” according to the authors?
4- Read second attachment and answer the following questions
A. According to Blackmore, what ability makes us unique as human beings?Why does it make us distinctive?
B. How do memes and and language facilitate this (distinctive) ability?
C. What does Blackmore mean when she says memes are “selfish”?
D. What is a meme?How do memes serve as replicators that “jump from brain to brain”?
E. Think of a song you really like.Is it a meme?Have you memorized its lyrics?Have you shared it with others?How does it influence the way you think or act?