A final revised version of my analysis rewritten. All Rewrites are individual assignments and will be given an individual grade
Include the following:
- How are the participants described? their actions? their behavior?
- Who else was involved in this event? Were the authorities (police) present? How are they described? their actions? their behavior?
- How does each article tell a different story about the event, even though it is based on the same facts? How the story of the event is told often leads readers to different conclusions about that event, and, therefore, it influences the readers’ attitudes toward protests in general.
- Present your argument clearly
- Support your argument with evidence from the article
- Clearly restate your argument at the end with a brief summary of the evidence that supports it
- The minimum requirements are two pages and at least 400 words; there is no maximum word count since you are graded on the quality and effectiveness of your argument in your written analysis.
- Use proper citations throughout your paper (see MLA or SAA format in LibGuide) and include full reference information from your articles at the end of your paper (“References Cited” or “Works Cited” at the top of the next page).
The peer edit reviews I received attached below as well as the essay you will be rewriting and the rubric!