
To help you in building a good Literature Review, we will go through the process of building an Annotated Bibliography. For this Bibliography you will be required to list the source and provide a brief description of the piece and why it might be helpful to developing your subject. If you are unfamiliar or have forgotten the elements of an Annotated Bibliography, you can review with the links in the Resource section of this module.

Sources should principally come from scholarly journals, research thesis, and dissertations. Web pages will not count, though you should feel free to list them in this assignment for later referencing in the literature review. This is when using Psych Articles through the Library will come in very handy, though there are also a number of resources on the internet.

You will need to identify a minimum of 25 resources. The bibliography should be submitted as an APA style reference section and follow all APA formatting. If you need help with that you may want to refer to the Resource Section of this Module.

When completed, upload your document.


E. G. (2002). Corporal punishment by parents and associated child behaviors and experiences: A meta-analytic and theoretical review. Psychological Bulletin,128(4), 539-579. Retrieved May 15, 2015, from

This research provides a meta-analysis discussing the association between corporal punishment and 11 child behaviors and experiences. Since the article provides specific findings and explanations it can be helpful in determining the effects of corporal punishment and how further research may help clarify the role of corporal punishment.

I need a Annotated Bibliography for my research paper on mental illnesses in the African American community. In fact my topic is ” Are Mental Illnesses Under-reported in the African American Community? My hypothesis is Yes it is. Being a black woman myself and interviewing other black people with mental health issues, I believe it most certainly is. Black people are not given access to top therapists, psychiatrist or psychologists where they could receive treatment is my belief because I have seen it. I need 20-25 sources for this Annotated Bibliography and it needs to be written in APA style. In addition to the 20 -25 sources, I will need a small paragraph on each and every one. This is due on Sunday 12:00 EST because I am in Florida.

The section titled Example is merely an sample of what is required.