double spaced, 12pt Aerial or new time Romas word. margin is 2.5cm on all sides.
Q1 It is argued that China’s push for regional trade deals is merely a strategy to enhance its own development at the expense of others in the region. Discuss whether you agree or disagree with this assessment and why.
Q2 Having one of the biggest broadcasting industries in the world, Japan saw a decline in advertising spending for the first time since 2011. Using examples of Japanese media companies, discuss what are the main reasons for this, and what effect would this have on the development of mass media in Japan.
Q3 How do business institutions deploy new media in branding and marketing? Discuss with specific case studies in China, Japan, or South Korea.
Q4 ‘Globalisation and financialisation are more responsible for labour casualisation in East Asia than digitalisation.’ Do you agree with this view? Discuss with reference to one country in the region.
Q5 Discuss the common characteristics and unique features of urbanisation in China after 1978 in comparison with other East Asian countries.
Q6 Discuss the impacts of the ‘big push’ industrialisation strategy on China’s industrial development between 1953 and 1978, in comparison with the industrial development in other East Asian countries.
Q7 Discuss whether Abenomics was successful or not
Q8 Identify one economic issue in one East Asian country/region today and discuss how a 500-year perspective can help to explain or understand it.
Q9 ‘Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions theory reflects a Eurocentric model.’ Agree or disagree with this statement.
Q10 Explain the difficulties faced by small and medium-sized enterprises in China to access external finance