
This assignment is to write a policy brief where you imagine that you are writing to a local authority, region, country, or supranational body who want to know whether they should be investing more in their natural spaces to promote the health and wellbeing of their population. Your success will depend on your ability to write a systematic, accurate, concise, clear, and well-organised report which highlights the key evidence base linking natural environments and public health and well-being.

The e ill ha e h ee mai ec i The i d c i ill e he ce e f he lic brief by identifying what the policy brief is about, who it is for, why it is being written, and how it will proceed. The evidence summary will require a systematic, accurate, concise, clear, and well-organised report on relevant evidence linking natural environments with public health and wellbeing. You will need to show evidence of critical appraisal and be able to translate academic findings into easy to understand messages. Lastly, the conclusion will ide a bala ced mma f he e ide ce e c e ed a d ide b ief recommendations for your target audience.