Course Capstone Project
The BUS698 Capstone Project is an opportunity for you to bring together everything you have learned within your MSM program and integrate that into your next steps as a professional.
This project will require you to construct a detailed and well-thought-out analysis of a real-world business by employing many of the business theories, concepts, and strategic analysis tools studied throughout your MS program. The capstone project will take the full term to complete. A portion of the project will be completed and submitted within Modules 1, 3, 5, 6 & 7 with the final submission due during Module 8.
The overall project is worth 45% of your final course grade. Unless otherwise noted, all submitted work will be formatted to APA (American Psychological Association) standards, with citations and references included. For the final deliverable, you are expected to incorporate all updates into one cohesive document, with a cover page, executive summary, table of contents, and a reference section.
M1-Capstone Project Part 1: Topic Selection – Due Module 1 (5%)
For your BUS698 Project, you are going to be able to demonstrate some of the knowledge, skills, and abilities you have developed through your academic and professional background. This project is designed as an opportunity to create something that is relevant to your “real” life and can be useful to you and/or your organization.
Please choose a management issue and business and that you would like to analyze. You will want to ensure that you are able to find research that supports the analysis of the business. The goal is for you to choose a project that is meaningful to you.
Your first milestone should include the following:
- The business you chose and “why” you chose it. What is the topic or issue that you will research for this business?
- The challenges you anticipate you might encounter while solving the issues you have identified in the project.
- The strategies you will employ to overcome these potential barriers.
This assignment should be 3 to 4 pages in length, include evidence-based research, and be formatted following APA guidelines.
- Due: Module 1, Sunday by 11:59 PM EST
- The BUS698 Topic Selection Grading Rubric explains how you will be graded. The rubric can be found in the Rubrics pageor within the M1A1 assignment instructions.
- This assignment is worth 5% of your final grade.
M3-Capstone Project Part 2: Annotated Bibliography – Due Module 3 (5%)
The Annotated Bibliography is designed to get you focused on the literature related to your project. You will be asked to share at least 15 scholarly and industry related sources that will help to inform your project.
Each source should include a synopsis of the source and how it will inform the final project. The assignment should be formatted following APA guidelines.
- Due: Module 3, Sunday at 11:59 PM EST
- The BUS698 Annotated Bibliography Grading Rubric explains how you will be graded. The rubric can be found in the Rubrics page or within the M3A1 assignment instructions.
- This assignment is worth 5% of your final grade.
DUE 3/29