Assignment 2 Instructions
Part 1 covers chapters 5 and 6 and part 2 covers chapters 7 and 8. This material is more difficult than
earlier chapters. Still, the assignment is manageable, and it is essential to prepare you for the next exam.
In your answer, please identify the question (Question #), then copy and paste the question itself.
Following that, provide your answer. Answer every question thoroughly. “Cut and paste”
answers from the textbook or any other source are not acceptable. Phrase the answer in your
own words as much as possible. Obviously, that excludes marketing and social psychological
concepts that you need to us as they are. Working this way on this assignment will help you to
study the material deeply and make it your own. Also, if a question asks you to provide an
example do not skip that part.
To answer the questions in this assignment, use the course textbook only.You are encouraged to study
with other members of the class, but your assignment ought to be written independently.
Assignment 2 Part 1
1. a. Define learning.
b. Describe each element of consumer learning.
c. Explain how each of these elements affects learning.
2. a. Explain behavioral learning.
b. Explain classical conditioning and the relationship between all elements of the model, from
the start to the end of the process. Apply it to a marketing example.
3. Explain instrumental conditioning and the concepts of reinforcement and extinction.
4. Explain observational learning
5. Explain information processing including sensory input, rehearsal, short-term and long-term
store, encoding, chunking, retrieval, and information overload.
6. Define attitude
7. How attitude forms? Explain and give an example of how each of information, experience,
personality, and situation affect buyer attitude.
8. Explain the tri-component attitude model. Do not just name the components. Give a full
explanation of how they relate to each other and how they affect buying decision.
9. Attitude change: present three methods, with examples, by which a marketer can change
buyer attitude. In each method explain what the method tries to achieve, and in what
circumstance it meant to be used.
10. Describe in detail a time when you acquired an attitude about a product due to advertising.
Assignment 2 Part2
1. Describe the communication model, each element, each step and the relation between
them in generating a flow of information between sender and receiver. Give a marketing
2. Compare narrowcasting and broadcasting and describe the advantages of narrowcasting.
3. What are the advantage and disadvantages of using humor in advertising.Give examples of
advertising where humor was used successfully.
4. Explain the pros and cons of using more verbal copy instead of artwork in a print ad.
5. What are the different types of social media channels?Give examples of each.
6. Present the various pros and cons of mobile advertising.
7. Give example of a company that uses social media advertising effectively.
8. Describe the benefits of advertising on interactive TV versus traditional TV.
9. What can the print media do to combat the decline of their advertising revenue?
10. What is branded content and how can it be used effectively?