
this assignment are separate in 5 different part. I will give you the instruction for each part. video then follow the question to write an brief entry about it.( 1 paragraph, about half page long.)

you will write up a one paragraph reflection on the assigned Eyes on the Prize episode. This documentary series, produced between 1987 and 1990 remains the foremost record of the civil rights era, and one of the most important lens through which many people view the Civil Rights movement. Your entry should focus on how the film presented this period of the Civil Rights Era. What did you learn from the film? What aspects of the movement were emphasized in the episode? Were there other views or subjects covered in your readings that were not included? What interpretation of the Civil Rights movement did you take away from this episode?

Episode 9:

2. watch video then follow the question to write an brief entry about it.( 1 paragraph, about half page long.)

same instruction and question as above,

Episode 12: A Nation of Law?

3. watch video then follow the question to write an brief entry about it.( 1 paragraph, about half page long.)

you will write up a one paragraph reflection on the assigned video resource: Latino Americans: Prejudice and Pride,

Your entry should focus on your response to the following focus questions:

What similarities and what differences did you see in the between the Chicano civil rights movement and the African American civil rights movement in the 1960s? How would you account for these?

These entries for each video should be separately. Do not write them into one article.

4. Women and Civil Rights documents analysis, analyze the document below, then write a short journal to answer the following question( 2 paragraph, little bit longer than half page).

In recent interview, John Lewis reflected on his experience in the civil rights movement and noted that the discrimination within the movement against women has often been overlooked. Yet, as he suggested, women were often the ones doing a lot of the work and “heavy lifting” of the movement.

In 1964 and 1965, women within the student movement began to gather together to discuss their experience as women. The position paper and memo they produced were important documents in the origins of the women’s liberation movement. Review the attached documents and answer the following question in one or two paragraphs(attached below, total 2 files),

In what ways did their experience within the Civil Rights movement open the eyes of young female activists to issues of gender and inequality?

5. Unit discussion, use course resource to answer the following question( 2-3 paragraphs,more than half page.)

Draw on course resources (readings, videos, and document problems) to answer the following questions in a substantial (1-2 paragraph) response. You should use parenthetical citations to indicate when you are referring to a course resource i.e. (Theoharis, 99).

In this Unit, the films from the Eyes on the Prize series seem to suggest a break between the phase of the civil rights movement that achieved its greatest success in the Civil Rights Acts of 1964 and 1965 and the phase that begins at the end of the 1960s (in fact these films were made at a separate time from the first six). Yet, Theoharis suggests that even in these changes, we should see continuities throughout the long civil rights movement in terms of goals, the significance of women’s leadership, and the harassment of civil rights leaders.

Thinking about the unit as a whole, what continuities, and what changes do you see in the civil rights movement as it moves into the 1970s? Why did the American public see it as a break? Why was “black power” viewed as a threat?

Those five part need to be done separately, all of those answers don’t have to be too long, but they all need to answer the question clearly and completely.