First films for Final Paper
“Dark Money” ($2.99 and up, YouTube, GooglePlay, Amazon) ; “Dark Days” ($3.99 on YouTube, Google Play, Amazon)
1) Write a 1-2 page review for each film.
2) Dark Money: *Check back for prompts later today (4/21/20)
During the film, one interviewee says, “Campaign finance is at the heart of all of the policy decisions being made.” How do the filmmakers substantiate this statement? Your discussion should contain detailed, specific references to segments in the film.
3) Dark Days: Once you’ve watched Dark Days and have written a detailed review, watch this DVD extra, “The Making of Dark Days” with Marc Singer: (Links to an external site.)
Throughout the video, Marc discusses some of the unusual things he had to do to make this no-budget documentary. Discuss.
Knock, knock!; Who’s there?; Democracy?
“Ai Weiwei: Never Sorry” (NetFlix, or $3.99 on YouTube), “Citizen4” (iTunes)
Class video lecture: (Links to an external site.)
Part 2,
Citizen4 (Links to an external site.)
I. A. Write a 1-2 page review of Citizen4
B. 1. Why, in his own words, did Edward Snowden release NSA documents that contained sensitive content about information gathering, spying, etc.?
2. Why did Snowden choose independent filmmaker Laura Poitras, and independent journalist Glenn Greenwald to bring his NSA findings and his story to the general public?
In addition to some of the things Snowden says in the film, here’s a couple of articles:… (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)
Ai Weiwei: Never Sorry (Links to an external site.)
II. A. Write a 1-2 page review of Ai Weiwei: Never Sorry
B. 1. Describe the opening scene with the cat that is playing with some stick sculptures, the cat that has learned to open the door and go outside, and the dialogue from Ai Weiwei that accompanies this scene. What is the filmmaker trying to convey with this segment?
2. Through independent research, write a 1-2 page update on what Ai Weiwei has been up to since 2012 when the film was released. Include where he has been, and where he lives now.
Part 3,
“Ivory Tower” ($3.99 Amazon), “Sans Soleil” (Kanopy)
Class video lecture (Links to an external site.)
Paper prompts for part 3 of the final paper:
I. Ivory Tower
A. Write a review of the film which includes the various issues focused on, related to higher education.
B. Chose one of the issues focused on in the film and discuss the ideas and/or actions suggested in attempts to effect change. Reference specific moments in the film and then discuss your thoughts re. how we might effectively address that particular sub issue. So, for example, the question of whether “it’s worth it”; What ideas are discussed in the film, and what are your thoughts?
C. There is a division in our society related to the cost of higher education. Some argue that it should be free. Some argue that it isn’t really free, even for those who have to pay nothing. Do you find either side to be persuasive, and why? (If you find both sides persuasive, explain why.) Through independent research, find at least one reference from an authoritative source which supports your position.
II. Sans Soleil
A. Write a review of the film. Include your general impressions of the film — Did you find it confusing, hard to follow, etc.?
B. How does Chris Marker meld his thoughts on memory and fiction in Sans Soleil? Why does he do this? Site specific moments from the film to support your discussion. This article may be helpful (you only need to read the first half of the article, from the beginning, up to, but not including “Looking closer at two hybrid films”):
III. Which film stood out for you the most this semester and why? Chose one, and explain, briefly what it was about the film that made a greater impression on you than any other.