
Must be familiar with criminal justice for this QUESTION!! $50 question.

After the exciting MEAC game, Jazmyn and her friends decided it would be fun to burn down what they think is an abandoned building located on a street not far from the Norfolk arena where the game was played. In fact, they though it would be a great climax to an evening of celebration for NCCU! As it turns out, the building was a storage facility used by the city to store landscape equipment. They arrived at the building, poured gasoline in and around the property, and set the building on fire. The fire spread to a nearby home, killing two children inside. Jazmyn and her friends are arrested and Chancellor Akinleye was very upset. With what crime will Jazmyn and her friends be charged? Will the prosecutor be successful in arguing that this is an aggravated offense? Why or why not? (To respond to this question, you must analyze the facts carefully against all of the elementsof the crime.

$2+$50 tip. If question is completed on time and done COMPLETELY!