
I have attached the assignment from last week (part 1) and the assignment for this week.

Note: In Week 7, you submitted Part 1 of the Module 3 Assignment. You will complete and submit Part 2 this week.

As a reminder, you will continue to act as a member of the executive team for a global nonprofit aimed at improving health and reducing child mortality rates in the developing world. Funding for the organization comes primarily from private donors (mainly in the U.S. and Canada) and through foundation grants. You have just learned that a shipment of straw-type personal water filters provided (but not manufactured by) your organization have been found to be defective. These filters are widely distributed by your organization in areas with contaminated water supplies and have proven highly effective at reducing instances of water-borne infections caused by bacteria and parasites. However, reports are coming in of increased illness rates from contaminated water in the areas where this shipment was distributed.

You have been asked, as a member of a quickly convened crisis response team, to outline a crisis communication response plan for the organization with an accompanying rationale (with appropriate academic and professional sources to support your report) that will be reviewed by the CEO, Mary Stevenson. Your communications report should be 7–9 pages in total (4–5 pages for Part 1 and 3–4 pages for Part 2), not including title page, references page, and appendix (with your completed Stakeholder Worksheet).

To prepare for this Assignment:

  • Return to your Module 3 Assignment Template to complete Part 2 of your communications report.

By Day 7

Submit Part 2 of your communications report in which you address the following in 3–4 pages (excluding references):

Part 2: Stakeholder Considerations
  • Apply best practices for addressing stakeholder communications in this crisis situation.
    • Use the Stakeholder Worksheet Template as the basis for this section. For each category of stakeholders, explain how you have applied communication best practices, being sure to include appropriate academic and professional references for each best practice you identify. (approximately 1 paragraph for each category)

Refer to the Week 8 Assignment Rubric for specific grading elements and criteria. Your Instructor will use this grading rubric to assess your work.