Textbook’s information
Current Issues and Enduring Questions: A Guide to Critical Thinking and Argument, with Readings 11th Edition by Sylvan Barnet (Author), Hugo Bedau (Author), John O’Hara (Author)
Homework 1:
Read Pages 24-29, Topics for Critical Thinking and Writing 1-5.
Read Pages 62-63, Topics for Critical Thinking 1-4. Pages
Read Pages 122-124, Topics for Critical Thinking and Writing 1-3.
Quiz 1—
Do not plagiarize. If you get information from an outside source, please acknowledge the source, rewrite the information in your own words, and give credit to the outside source. If you do not give credit to the outside source for any response, you will not receive credit for the entire quiz. The correct answers are based on the content of the textbook and what I have posted in Canvas.
The quiz is due on December 23rd. Late quiz submissions will suffer a 15% penalty. Quizzes submitted after December 24th will not be accepted.
Please define/explain the following terms/concepts-
- List and explain the key differences between paraphrasing and summary. worth 2 points
- What are some of the key differences between inductive reasoning and deductive reasoning? worth 2 points
- How does the book define context?
- What is the book’s definition for the term fallacy?
- How does the book define critical summary? Explain their reasoning. Worth 5 points
- How does the book define ostensive definitions? Provide an example to support your response. Worth 5 points
- Provide the book’s definition for Stipulative definition. Provide an example to support your response. Worth 5 points
- Topic sentence (purpose and location) worth 2 points
- Thesis statement (purpose and location) worth 2 points
- What is the book’s definition for the term validity? Explain the author’s reasoning. Worth 5 points
- Please explain the importance of definitions. (The textbook’s perspective) Worth 5 points.
Syllogism section-worth 5 points each.
12. Create a syllogism that focuses on the priorities of a successful parent- the syllogism has to be valid.
13. Create a syllogism that focuses on the priorities of a successful parent—the syllogism should not be valid.
True or False Section:
14. The topic sentence is the first paragraph of the essay.
15.A syllogism consists of a major premise, a minor premise, and a conclusion.
16. If a deductive reasoning argument is considered valid, it will also be considered true.
17. Ethos is associated with appealing to the emotions of the reader.
18. Logos is associated with appealing to the reader through reasoning.
19. When someone is paraphrasing, that person is summarizing the main points of an article or essay.
20. Abstract language is associated with tangible qualities-things we can process through our senses.
21. Concrete language is associated with intangible qualities—ideas or concepts.
22. A critical summary focuses on why the reader disagrees with the argument that they just read.
23. Ostensive definitions are linked to defining by providing examples of the word you are trying to define.
24.Short essay response: What Advice Do You Have for Younger Kids About Navigating Social Media? (Courtesy of The New York Times) Structure matters—3 paragraph minimum. 500-word minimum. Worth 20 points