
Click the link above to enter the discussion board and address the following question:

How can we intervene with youth gangs? What interventions work? Which ones don’t?

Students are expected to participate in the Discussion Board in each module. Each student should make one post that addresses the prompt for the discussion board. It should be approximately 1 page in length. Posts are to be respectful, express an opinion based on the readings and be relevant to the question posted for the discussion board that week.

Meaningful and substantive contributions will require that you carefully read (and reflect on) the prompt and related course material, and that you pose a stance that you support with cited evidence from course material and/or other credible sources. APA guidelines apply. Avoid relying on unsupported opinions or personal anecdotes as the sole support for your arguments. It is helpful and engaging to include personal experiences and opinions, but these things alone will not satisfy the requirements for discussion boards in this course.

You are strongly encouraged to save your post in a document on your computer before pasting it into Blackboard. Technical glitches, though rare, do happen, and it is frustrating to lose your work.