The portfolio is a collection of 1) materials that you collected and 2) your analysis and reflection on the materials. Materials that you collect may include, but not limited to: individual homework (up to 25%), news articles, actual merchandise (picture only), group reports (up to 25%).
The reflection is a 6-7 pages paper (12 size font, 1 inch margin on each side, and double-spaced). Outside references are required. Reference list does not count towards the 7 page limit.
In your reflective essay of the cross-cultural portfolio, please address the following questions. I included the questions in Chinese because we have a fair amount of students who are speakers of Chinese:
- Before taking this course, how do you conceptualize mobility, and especially mobility in the China context? If you don’t know about Chinese context, it is okay to state none. 在上这门课之前,你是如何理解“移动” /“流动”这个概念的,特别是移动这个概念在中国的环境下?
- What have you learned in this class, in terms of cross-cultural differences between US and China, especially mobility? 在这门课上,你在中国和美国之间的跨文化差异这方面, 特别是在“移动/流动” 这个概念上,学到了什么?
- How did the homework of this course, especially the virtual exchange with China, help your cross-cultural learning? 这门课的作业, 特别是与中国学生的交流,对于你的跨文化学习有什么样的帮助?
- Please choose three cross-cultural items in your portfolio and elaborate how they contributed to your cross-cultural learning. Please note that the three items must be related and fit in one of the overall themes: tea, education, economy, tourism and culture industry, or modern Chinese history.请你选择你的跨文化物品集的三个东西,说说,他们是怎么帮助你的跨文化学习的。请注意,这三个物品必须互相有所关联,并符合如下的主题之一:茶、教育、经济、文旅产业或现代中国历史。
- What tools did you utilize to find cross-cultural items for this assignment? How do you plan to continue cross-cultural learning after this class? In particular, are you interested in pursing study abroad programs in China or in general? 你在寻找跨文化物品的时候,使用了什么工具?在这门课结束以后,你打算如何继续你的跨文化学习? 我尤其想知道的是,你会寻求去中国的海外留学或者一般的海外留学项目吗?
You have to address ALL of the questions, although you are free or organize your own reflection based on your preference. Please note that the final product is in the format of an essay, and therefore, do not submit bullet points style.