
Reply for below 2 posts. APA format and 100-150 words each post

Discussion 1:

Data Visualization refers to the pictorial representation of data using visual tools like graphs, tables, pie charts, maps etc. This process enhances the efficiency in understanding and processing it.

Histogram: Mapping data to the source on the graphical space for better understanding (laerd, 2018). These graphs represent wide amount of data over a period of time. It can be constructed on both continuous and discrete variables. The product gives the response by calculating the frequency and reason for occurrence.

Histogram gives a better visualization of data as it depicts the changes in trends over a period of time. Histogram give easy understanding of underlying data and trends following it. When compared to other visualization tools, Histogram gives a better representation of data unlike graphs and pie charts which just give the info rather than comparison.

Compound Visualizations is the process of cementing of different graphical compounds into a single state representation. Moving down the exact definitions of a graph to a simple structure make visualization more intractable and knowledgeable.

Life-Cycle diagram: Life cycle diagram covers all phases of the product life. It starts at product initial discussions, introduction, growth, maturity and goes until the decline stage (Chou, 2019). The 5 stages of the product life cycle are common stages which can be applied to any business. This concept is applied gives a better picture of a product performance during several stages of implementation and utilization.

Life-cycle diagram has a better compound visualization as it is the result of a product performance representation during all stages of it when compared to other compound visualization methods which have complex representation and vague information on the trends.

Data Visualization and one Compound Visualization by placing your mouse cursor over each option. Provide your classmates with a brief description of your choices and explain why you made your choices. Also, describe what advantages do your choices have over the others.

Works Cited

Chou, L. (2019, Sep 10). towardsdatascience. Retrieved from…

laerd. (2018). Retrieved from…

Discussion 2:

Data visualization represents quantitative data such as the information which can be measured with numbers, such data is presented in the form of Pai chart, Line chart, Scatter plot, Histogram, etc. It structures the data in a systematic format to provide a clear picture of the situation, which can make the comparison easy and help in taking better decisions. On the other hand, Compound visualization is using different graphical representation formats such as Cartoon, Knowledge map, and Learning map, etc. along with quantitative data in one single frame to represent complex data.

An example of Data visualization, I chose pie charts because is it simple and easy to understand. A pie chart is two-dimensional circle which is divided into slices to represent data. A complete chart represents the sum of all its data and each slice represents the percentage of the whole chart.

There are several advantages of Pie chart over other charts and graphs, it is simple and easy-to-understand picture. Secondly, it can be beneficial to audience who are uninformed about the entire situation as pie chart represents data as fractions of entire data. Audience who is not aware of whole situation with numbers, can also get an idea with just once glance over the picture. Additionally, readers do not have to measure and examine the underlining numbers to understand the what information is being conveyed.

In addition, I chose cartoon as an example of compound visualization because it can be used to represent data such as interactions or exchange of conversation to explain a process or convey a message in simple format. Cartoons are most widely used form in the internet as they follow a schema which can be instantly recognized by the audience. The message is shown in the speech bubble of each character and often with a punch line at the end.

Although cartoons can be used to address the serious subjects such a political situation, they may also be used to show the tone of voice using the appropriate infographics and showcase various emotions in the image. Unlike other forms, cartoons can also be used to convey the information by sharing in an entertaining way.


Kirk, A. (2016). Data Visualisation: A Handbook for Data Driven Design. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Ltd.