Developed Writing Project #2:
Analyzing a Persuasive Speech (200 points-Evaluation Rubric to be handed out
4-5 pages (typed, double-spaced)
Audience: A class much like this one and a teacher much like me – your readers have not read or listened to Mitch Landrieu’s
speech and like his audience, they might not know much about the specific histories of confederate monuments.
Mitch Landrieu’s speech about why New Orleans took down its confederate monuments is widely regarded as
rhetorically strong. There are many ways the speech can be analyzed; however, for this assignment, it’s
important that you stay focused on the instructions below. (For instance, you might want to look at his use of
repetition, which is masterful – but then you would be off topic.)
For this essay, we will be analyzing the reasoning of his argument, as well as considering his intended audiences.
Thinking about his intended audience also means analyzing how he works to create a positive appeal to ethos.
For this paper, analyze Landrieu’s argument—his reasoning, as well as how he works to develop a positive appeal
to ethos. (That is, how he shows himself as trustworthy and a person of good character.)
➢ First give your readers an overview of the rhetorical situation. Explain who Mitch Landrieu is and why
he is making the speech. This should include an overview of the different audiences he wants to
reach. Be sure to consider that while he was speaking directly in New Orleans, that he is likely to
have known and intended that the speech would be heard nationally.
➢ Next, articulate the argument he makes to support his claim that the confederate monuments
needed to be taken down. This part of your paper will focus on his reasoning and will make up a big
chunk of your paper.
➢ After you have articulated the argument, consider how he has worked to consider the different
audiences he wants to reach. How does work to create common ground, as well as show himself as a
person of good character?
➢ Finally, in your concluding paragraphs, discuss what you can take from this analysis. (We may not all
have the opportunity to address our city or the nation, but we all need to persuade people
Key Learning Outcomes:
• Develop an effective process of reading for comprehension.
• Develop an effective writing process—including prewriting, drafting, revision, and self-evaluation
• Analyze the elements of academic texts—particularly argument, genre, audience, context, purpose, and
• Articulate in writing key rhetorical concepts.