
300 word min with references

For this discussion post I will be using the continuous process improvement model in order to figure out a beneficial process to improve the situation. “Using the continuous process improvement model, organizations document and measure their current processes, make incremental changes, and measure the results of the changed processes (University of Maryland Global Campus, 2020).” In order to analyze how to improve the process, documenting and measuring the current situation is the first step. Part of my job is to schedule musicians for their weekly gatherings and to recruit new college students to join the band. I picked this topic because onboarding tends to be a challenging area that could be improved. These are the current steps that are being taken in order to find new people:

  1. Find out they are interested through word of mouth
  2. Reach out directly to those students
  3. Schedule a date to have them audition
  4. Hear them sing/play
  5. Determined how they will best fit in the band
  6. Plug them into a slot/date to play with the band
  7. They play/sing

After looking at the current process, it is time to make incremental changes. In order to do this, I will invite the college directors and worship leaders to come together and brainstorm what small changes need to happen. Here are some questions we might ask about the current process: How is it functioning? Is there a way to do this faster and more efficiently? Is there an information technology system that could assist with this process? Is there a specific step in the current process that we could adjust in order to develop the process? A small change that could be implemented in the current process is adding another step between 3 & 4. This step would be inviting the person who is interested to come to a practice in order to see the vision and be able to see what is required of a team member. This would hopefully give the potential candidate an idea of what is to come and if they are really interested or not. It would save time to not have to go through the entire process. On the other hand, it could strengthen their desire to join the team. After implementing these small changes, it is important to measure the results of the changed process. The best way to do this is by looking at documentation as well as receiving feedback from those who were involved in the process, such as the college directors, worship leaders, and potential candidates.


Optimizing Business Processes. IFSM 300 (7995) Information Systems in Organizations (2202). (2018) Retrieved April 1, 2020 from