
Discussion: Worldview and Education Policy

Schlitz et al. (2011) provide a simplified definition of worldview as “the ways in which we make sense and meaning of the world around us” (p. 1). While the construction of a worldview is largely unconscious, they propose that individuals can consciously acquire the skills and capabilities needed to understand their own worldviews. These same skills can be applied to increasing awareness and acceptance of the worldviews of others, granting these views legitimacy (even when they seem at odds with one’s own sense-making) without having to actually adopt their worldview (Schlitz et al., 2011). Worldview is expansive and encompasses self-interest, social, political, economic, and religious values and ideologies.

In this Discussion, you will debate the effect of education policy on groups with divergent worldviews. You will be asked to agree or disagree with a stimulus question. You will proceed to make an informed argument for your position based on the reading and your experience.

To prepare for this Discussion, review the articles by Schlitz et al. (2011), Tikly and Barrett (2011) and any of the optional resources that align with your educational interests. Reflect on your experience in education settings with groups that have divergent worldviews.

By Day 7 of Week 9

Post your response to the following question:

Are education policies more likely to polarize or unite groups with divergent worldviews?

Make an informed argument for your perspective and cite specific examples from the reading and your personal and/or professional experience. Be specific!

Schlitz, M., Vieten, C., Miller, E., Homer, K., Peterson, K., & Erickson-Freeman, K. (2011). The worldview literacy project: Exploring new capacities for the 21st century student. New Horizons for Learning, IX(1) (Johns Hopkins University School of Education). Retrieved from…