Postmodernism ( . . . or choose to write on this Period)
Postmodernism in literature is a form of literature which is marked, both stylistically and ideologically, by a reliance on such literary conventions as fragmentation, paradox, unreliable narrators, often unrealistic and downright impossible plots, games, parody, paranoia, dark humor and authorial self-reference. It is primarily at post-WWII development. Postmodern authors tend to reject outright meanings in their novels, stories and poems, and, instead, highlight and celebrate the possibility of multiple meanings, or a complete lack of meaning, within a single literary work.
Characteristics of Postmodern Literature (Choose three different ones to explore):
- Authors’ tones are ironic, cynical, non-committal, confused, fearful, even playful.
- The search for meaning in a world that may not have meaning.
- Pastiche: The taking of various ideas from previous writings and literary styles and pasting them together to make new styles.
- Intertextuality: The acknowledgment of previous literary works in another literary work.
- Metafiction: The act of writing about writing or making readers aware of the fictional nature of the very fiction they’re reading.
- Time Distortion: The use of non-linear timelines and narrative techniques in a story.
- Minimalism: The use of characters and events which are decidedly common and non-exceptional characters.
- Magical Realism: The introduction of impossible or unrealistic events into a narrative that is otherwise realistic.
- Faction: The mixing of actual historical events with fictional events without clearly defining what is factual and what is fictional.
- Reader Involvement: Often through direct address to the reader and the open acknowledgment of the fictional nature of the events being described
3 works:
1. Drown
2. The Guest
3. Zaabalawi
- Choose to write on either Modernism or Post-Modernism
- Essay length: at least 500 words
- MLA format, 12-point font, Calibri or Times New Roman
- Explore at least three characteristics of the literary period
- Choose at least three works to analyze (only one poet however) from the period you pick.
- Each work will illustrate a separate characteristic of the literary period. See the provided lists.
- You will use quotations from the text to support your assertions
- You will also offer specific references to highlight your understanding to the text.
- Organization: the basic intro, body, conclusion.
- Each body paragraph will have a topic sentence.
- Spelling matters, grammar matters, clarity matters.
- When you upload your essay into Assignments, it will automatically be scanned by com—and Lord have mercy on your soul if you plagirize.