
Topic:Capitol Reef NP

efore you submit your paper:

Carefully review the requirements for the Term Paper, posted in Modules. This 3-page paper has specific number of lines of text for each section. Points will be deducted if a section is shorter than required. Please do not exceed the line requirements by more than 4 lines of text. Also, points will be deducted if the required format and font size are not followed (Review bottom of page 3 of the Directions).

Also remember that there must be at least 1 in-text citation per paragraph for all information (e.g. dates, rock type, geologic terms, ages, etc.) that links to a reference in the bibliography. Paraphrase all information: DO NOT cut and paste quotations from your sources. Follow the Directions on pages 5-6-7 that shows you how cite references in the text and in the Bibliography.

The paper is evaluated to determine whether all of the “Essential Information” about the park you chose is included. You were given this information attached to the “Comments” (blue ink), when your Thesis Statement was returned.

Reminder, this paper is being evaluated by Turn-It-In software for possible plagiarism.

In files below you will se the information that are required