
You need to pick four of these cultural events, go attend, and write a 1-page response paper for each (with a selfie attached on page 2) and submit it on D2L in the EXL Reflection Paper Dropboxes. All four dropboxes will close Sunday, April 20th at 11:59pm. After that time, I will no longer accept submissions and thus a grade of 0 (zero) will be recorded if you fail to submit the reflections. We will then discuss the EXL assignments in class on a later date.

You can attend any of the places or events at any time you want and you do not have to attend when I will be in attendance. This means, if your schedule does not permit you to be there when I am there, you can go on your own time and still receive credit so long as you submit the reflection and selfie before the dropbox closes.

Have an experience in your life that you believe could qualify as a Cross-Cultural Experience? Make sure to ask me and you could receive credit for attending this. Before doing so, ask yourself, “Does this experience force me to surround myself with people from another culture other than my own?” And, “Is it more than going to restaurant and eating?” If you still think it fits, be sure to ask me and I may be able to give you approval.

If you are connected to any organizations, yearly events, or anything else that you think our students may be able to attend, experience, or volunteer and help out AND this would also be a potential cross-cultural experience, please let me know!! I am always looking to add more events and activities on the list.

By the way I’m a Muslim from the Middle East, keep that in mind while writing. Also, my city is Murfreesboro in the state of Tennessee in the US.

The places are:

1: church

2: the Murfreesboro Wat Lao Buddhist Temple

3: Indian cuisine

4: Camino real (Mexican restaurants)