respond back to each paragraph with 200 words each.
The Integumentary system is a system that protects the internal organs from the external environment and hazards. Any medical condition associated with the skin, hair or nails may be considered to be an integumentary system disorder. Types of integumentary system disorders that I am familiar with are Bacterial Infections, which are the common conditions of pimples or boils. Viral Infections of the skin such as chickenpox, measles, German measles, and cold sores like herpes, and warts. Fungal Infections, such as Ringworm infection. Decubitus ulcers, also known as bedsores or pressure sores and usually happen to people who are bedridden, typically those who are unable to reposition themselves in bed or in a chair for an extended period of time. From experience, I have had a lot of Filipino friends and family experience one common skin disorder called eczema or dermatitis. Eczema is an inflammatory condition of the skin that affects the epidermis (outermost layer of the skin) and dermis (beneath the epidermis, connective tissue), the cause of the inflammation can be allergy, infection, poor circulation, or exposure to physical factors such as chemicals, heat and cold, or sunlight. There is Psoriasis in which I believe my husband to have. It’s patches of dried skin that come and go. Psoriasis is a chronic disease of the skin and is characterized with red lesions, covered with silvery epidermal scales, studies show that it may be an inherited inflammatory disease. Skin cancer is a disease that is most common. Skin cancer most often develops on skin that most exposed to the sun. There are three different skin cancers that affect the different layers of the skin – basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma. Integumentary system disorders can be categorized according to the severity and complexity of the disorder. Some integumentary disorders are mild, can be treated and only affect one part of the integumentary system, while others are more severe and can affect more than one part of the body. An example is Basel Cell Carcinoma, which is the most common form of skin cancer. This cancer does not spread other parts of the body but it does grow in size and invade the surrounding tissue of the cancerous area. Treatments of this cancer involve surgical excision and radiation therapy, which is a more serious treatment then the treatment for any acne or eczema.
There are many different types of integumentary system disorders that can affect the body and its internal organs as well if not treated properly or in a timely manner. So what is the integumentary system and what is its purpose? The Integumentary system consists of the skin, hair, nails, glands, and nerves of the body. Its primary functions to act as a barrier to protect the body form the outside world. It also performs functions that include retaining body fluids, protecting from diseases, eliminating waste product and regulating body temperature. When we look at the integumentary system, not only does it perform these functions alone, but it also works with all the other systems of our body to maintain the internal conditions, which are needed so the human body can function properly. When looking at the different types of diseases and disorders, one that I am familiar with is cellulitis. I have known a few people that have had issues with cellulitis. Cellulitis is a diffuse inflammation of connective tissue with severe inflammation of dermal and subcutaneous layers of the skin. (lumen learning, n.d.). This was mostly due to open cuts and exposure to ocean water where minor pimple like ulcers would start to grow fluid in them and if not taken care of you could get infections that could cause more issues. Soft tissue infection can occur in patients with traumatic injury associated with water exposure. A broad array of microorganisms can cause soft tissue infections following water exposure (Larry M Baddour, 2019). Many of the disorders or diseases associated with the skin if not treated can cause infections that could lead to other organs to have issues as well. All of these organs in the bodywork together to prevent toxins from injuring the body and its organs.