Learning Goal: I’m working on a history test / quiz prep and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.
Review US Foreign Policy 1896-1952
Essay Question: To what extent did US foreign policy goals and methods change from 1896-1952?
This will be your essay question. Consider the focus questions for this unit in that light–how do they contribute to your ability to answer the above essay question and support it with specific evidence?
Historical Context: Before 1898
- To what extent did the US protect Latin American countries from outside intervention in the 19th century?
- How did US economic interests influence US expansion?
- In what ways did US expansion become more assertive in the second half of the 19th century?
- What arguments were made in favor of US expansion?
- Identify
- Monroe Doctrine (1823)
- Manifest Destiny
- Texas Independence (1836)
- Mexican-American War (1848)
- “Annexation of Trade”
- “Opening” of Japan (1853)
Dawn of US “Imperialism” (1896-1900)
- What are reasons for late 19th century US imperialism?
- Identify:
- Alfred Thayer Mahan
- White Man’s Burden
- William McKinley
- What are anti-imperialist arguments?
- How did Hawaii come to be annexed by the United States, and how did native Hawaiians react?
- Identify:
- Bayonet Constitution
- Queen Liliuokalani
- What were causes and effects of the War of 1898?
- Identify
- Cuba
- “Butcher” Weyler
- USS Maine
- Puerto Rico
- Philippines
- Emiliano Aguinaldo
- Teller Amendment
- Treaty of Paris (1898)
- Platt Amendment
US Foreign Policy Teddy Roosevelt & Taft (1901-1912)
- Identify
- Monroe Doctrine
- Annexation of Trade
- Open Door Policy
- Boxer Rebellion
- Roosevelt Corollary
- Platt Amendment
- Panama Canal
Woodrow Wilson’s Moral Diplomacy (1913-1920)
- What was the goal of Wilson’s Moral Diplomacy foreign policy, and how did Wilson hope to accomplish that goal?
- Identify each of the following and what they reflect about Wilson’s Moral Diplomacy.
- Mexican Revolution
- Vera Cruz 1914
- Haiti 1915
- Pershing-Villa Expedition 1917
- Who was involved in World War 1?
- What was the initial position of Americans on WW1, and how and why did it change over time?
- Why did the United States declare war?
- How did World War 1 affect Americans?
- Identify:
- 1914
- Triple Entente (Allies)
- Central Powers
- Neutrality Proclamation
- U-boat
- Zimmerman Telegram
- Unrestricted submarine warfare
- Russian Revolution
- “Make the world safe for democracy”
- 1917
- 1919
- What were the Fourteen Points?
- To what extent was Wilson successful in getting the Fourteen Points incorporated into the Treaty of Versailles, and why?
- Why didn’t the US Senate ratify the Treaty of Versailles?
“Isolationism” 1919-1932
- To what extent did the United States follow isolationism in foreign policy from 1919-1930?
- Use the following identification items as part of your answer:
- Article X of the Treaty of Versailles & the Lodge Reservations
- Washington Naval Conference (1921-22)
- Dawes Plan (1924)
- Kellogg-Briand Pact (1928)
- Hawley-Smoot Tariff (1930)
- Use the following identification items as part of your answer:
FDR Prior to WW2 (1933-1941)
- What is the policy of “appeasement”, and how does it relate to the outbreak of World War 2?
- To what extent was the United States non-interventionist prior to its entry into World War 2 on December 7, 1941?
- Use the identification items as part of your answer:
- Good Neighbor Policy
- Neutrality Acts
- Quarantine Speech
- Axis
- 1939
- 1941
- Cash & Carry
- Lend Lease
- Atlantic Charter
- Embargo of Japan
- Pearl Harbor
- Use the identification items as part of your answer:
Coming of the Cold War (1945-1952)
- How and why did the Cold War emerge after World War 2?
- Identify
- Liberalism
- Communism
- Harry Truman
- Joseph Stalin
- United Nations
- East Germany
- Appeasement
- Containment
- Truman Doctrine
- Marshall Plan
- Berlin Airlift
- Warsaw Pact