
Discussion 1:

DB #6: Outsourcing_This is due April 30th, 8pm CST

This is due Thursday, April 30th, 2020 NLT 8pm CST

Watch VideoThe Tech-Savvy Hotelier #3: “Outsourcing for a better customer experience”

Duration: (1:11)
User: ecornellonline – Added: 7/24/13

Click on the link below or cut/copy/paste into

(Links to an external site.)

Many managers in the hospitality industry are constantantly involved in outsourcing various components of the work within their organization. Our book uses the example of Disney outsourcing the luggage handlers from the airport to the various resorts to a company called Baggage Airline Guest Services (BAGS). Explore a bit on your own and report some of the current trends in this topic area that particularly stands out to you.

Two websites that will help are:

1) (Links to an external site.) – Search “outsourcing in the hospitality industry”

2) (Links to an external site.) – Search “outsourcing” in the search bar and you will find them by “Industry news” and “Industry Trends” and “Web Directory.”

Share with us what you find interesting within this topic.

Discussion 2:

Podcast #6_NoVacancy Podcast_This is Due April 30 by 8pm CST

This is due Thursday, April 30th by 8pm CST for the initial response .

No Vacancy has been broadcasting through Facebooklive almost daily since this Coronavirus moved into the hospitality space. Anthony Melchorri, star of HOTEL Impossible is typically one of the host. This broadcast, he was unable to attend, but they refer to him several times and wanted you to know who they are referring too. This is a longer podcast than I typically assign, but this one is very current and speaking with a few industry GM/owners and what has happened since COVID-19; they also speculate on how their business will bounce back. It is located inside of Facebook; I have provided the link (Links to an external site.). I have also found it at their website as well:

This show featured David Rochefort, President of Graduate Hotels, W Chris Green, CHA, CEO of Chesapeake Hospitality, plus hospitality students join us to share their thoughts and experiences as they deal with the fallout of covid-19. Special thanks to NEWH and its New England Chapter for setting this up.

WRITING TIPS: For your reaction just let us you what your thoughts are with some of their topics and what did you learn that you may not have known beforehand. You may want to look up the businesses these guys represent as well.

each one need at least 200 words.