Weekly Current Event Journal
HSA 4192 – Applied Health Information/Informatics
In this class you will be required to keep an online journal of current event articles relating to health
information systems. This assignment provides you with an opportunity to explore what’s going on in the
field of health informatics and to gain a better understanding of what you will be faced with when you
complete your degree.
Each week you will research a relevant article and post the article as well as a summary of that article
using the guidelines stated below.
The time frame of your research should fall between January 2010 and today. The articles you choose
should discuss current issues and challenges associated with implementing health information systems
as well as lessons learned and ‘good news’ stories of successful implementations. Search for articles on
topics that arise in our readings each week, as this will help bring relevance to what we may cover in our
discussion forums.
You will be required to post 8 current event articles with reviews (one each week). These will be posted in
private journals that are only shared with me.
Please follow the following guidelines when creating your journal entries:
Your review is to be no longer than two paragraphs in length and contain the following sections written in
your own words. A link to the article is to be included with your post.
Each journal entry should follow the following format:
You should title your current event in your own words. Do not merely use the title of the “article you chose
to review, but rather something that is indicative of the theme of the article and your subsequent
discussion on the topic.
You may choose an article from a local, regional or national newspaper, news magazine, online journal,
internet site (make sure you check the validity of this source and that it is not just a blog), and relaiable
news outlets. Include the given title to the article, the news source, and date of the article(s). [Note – you
may find more than one article on the same topic you choose to address.]
What are the facts, in your own words, with quotations where appropriate, that are appropriate to the topic
and issues you wish to address. This should be approximately one paragraph long, which gives the
reader enough information to understand the issues and commentary.
What is the status of the topic that you chose to address? In other words, is this a study that has been
completed or an implementation that is ongoing? This information will come into play when you are
writing your opinion and questions regarding the topic and issues. This section most likely requires just a
sentence or two for the purpose of this assignment.
You are to raise issues that you find of interest. Unlike case brief assignments, do not merely state the
issues, but express why you find them to be of particular interest to you. They may not be contained
directly in the substantive portion of the article as many of such “reports” merely raise topics and state
facts, from which you will draw your own conclusions and questions. Again, a couple of sentences will be
sufficient for this section of the paper.
What do you make of this article or news story? What do you think is the next stage of the process if there
is any? What is the significance of it from a technological perspective? This discussion section should be
approximately a paragraph long and make up the substance of your paper.
What additional facts would you like to know? What additional questions came to mind while you were
reading/reviewing this article? This is an opportunity for you to use critical thinking and discuss anything
you think may have been left out of the research or article.
Be sure you are using legitimate sources when looking for your articles.
Title each submission like this:
Week #_Title of Article Review_Lastname
Good luck!