
SOC 350: Social Interaction

Critical Thinking Paper #2 – Dramaturgy/Impression Management


For this assignment please write a 5-page paper (not including title/reference pages),

answering the critical thinking question below. Please feel free to use the Internet and/or

other resources to answer the question in detail.

1. Answer the question.

The question is debatable and about which you can write an argumentative paper. The

point is that you should be trying to convince me of your position.

Critical Thinking Question:

From a sociological standpoint, much of our social interactions can be understood by

comparing it to a performance in a play. From this perspective, describe what is meant

by dramaturgy and by impression management. Including how they compare to each

other. In addition, apply the theory of Ethnomethodology to both concepts as well as

how the theory best applies? Please be detailed in your discussion.

2. Do research.

Do research on your topic to inform yourself of both sides of the issue so that you can

argue your point as clearly and strongly as possible. You may use the internet,

newspapers, journals, or other sources to inform yourself about your topic.

3. Write your paper.

Provide the strongest argument that you can for your issue. Make sure that you follow

the proper format clearly stating the issue, your claim, and your premises. Be sure to

provide support for your premises. Do your best to avoid vagueness and ambiguity.

Please remember to cite your sources and use at least three references.

Your argument, if it is written clearly, would be easily outlined. It may be helpful to

outline your own argument either before or after you write it to make sure that it is clear

and well structured.

Critical Thinking Analysis Paper #2 Grading Rubric

Assignment Rubric for Grading: Below is the grading rubric for this assignment.

Please follow the assignment directions as well as use the grading rubric to complete

your assignment. Your paper will be graded according to the grading rubric.

Grading Rubric Section 1: The paper is at least 5 pages in length, typed and doublespaced.

The paper follows APA guidelines including a title and reference page with at

least 3 references as well as provides in-text citations (10 points).

Please note that if one or more of these requirements are missing you will be deducted

the full -10 points.

Grading Rubric Section 2: The paper must answer the questions in full detail and

follow the required assignment directions and format: (90 points total).

• The paper identifies and explains in detail what is meant by dramaturgy and by

impression management (30 points total).

• The paper identifies and explains in detail how dramaturgy and impression

management compare to each other (30 points total).

• The paper identifies and applies in detail the theory of Ethnomethodology to both

concepts and how the theory best applies (30 points total).

**Please note that 10 points will be automatically deducted if the paper does not follow

the assignment formatting requirements such as providing title/reference pages, page

length, and the quality of your paper including organization, formatting and following

APA guidelines including in-text citations.