Your close reading of selected works of children’s literature has hopefully given you many possible ideas for this talk. Here are the necessary components you must submit as part of your proposal:
1. A creative, purposeful title for you talk.
2. Your main idea for the talk.
3. Create a structure or outline for your talk. As for the outline, you will need to include the following elements:
A. Introduction (paragraph with the main idea stated)This should be a clear statement of your idea/topic related to your selected books chosen from the lists we provided. The introduction can also be an evocative statement, inviting your audience to relate to your concept or idea.
B. The body of your talk (3-4 paragraphs). Here you can use a bulleted list of the issues, questions, ideas, evidence; you will present to your audience.
C. Conclusion (paragraph). Tell your audience how your idea might affect their lives if it’s implemented. If appropriate, give your audience a call to action.
4. Visuals A storyboard of the slides or projected images during your talk that you think will be helpful for the audience. Although many TED talks are delivered without images, we are requiring images because image analysis is an important part of this course. Ask yourself: Would my slides help and clarify information for the audience, or would they distract and confuse them?
Some great examples of slides can be found in the talks by Dan Phillips, Jarrett Krosoczka and Rick Guidotti on The most important rule for slides: Keep it simple.
i will attach the proposal i did and the books i chose so you can go off of that i picked racism in children’s literature as my topic
Ethnicity and Racism
Rana Tadros
University of South Florida
Ethnicity and racism form a major topic in American as well as global literature. This is not surprising considering that the society has for a long time been dominated with the evils of racial bias and prejudice. Instances of racial bias and prejudice are so dominant to the extent that it is almost impossible to imagine a time when equality and justice can exist. However, as the legendary James Baldwin once wrote, “this world is white no longer, and it will never be white again” (Baldwin, 1984). The implication here is that America and the world are multifaceted and people should treat each other with equality regardless of race. Considering the current context of human society, an overarching theme that dominates the literature is the evils of racism. In the 20th century literature, racism was largely regarded as the problem of the 20th century. In “The Souls of Black Folk,” W.E.B. Du Bois wrote that racism “is the problem of the color-line – the relation of the darker to the lighter races of men in Asia and Africa, in America and the islands of the sea” (Du Bois, 2008). This statement by Du Bois has since triggered many authors to explore the theme of racism, particularly the evils associated with it. Some of the books that explore the evils of racism as their major theme include Biased, We Cast a Shadow, Democracy in Black and Blood Done Sign My Name, just to name a few.
Written by Jennifer L. Eberhardt, “Biased” explores the ideas about race and how ideas of racism affect even the most open-minded people. Most importantly, the author explores the origins, impact, and implications of racial biases and how these biases perpetuate racism (Eberhardt, 2019). The author explores how racial biases and racism have negatively affected black communities. Risks such as microaggressions and police brutality as related to racism are largely explored (Eberhardt, 2019). In the book, We Cast A Shadow by Maurice Carlos Ruffin, the evils of racism form the major theme of the book. The book is basically a narrative about a black man who grovels at the mercy of white colleagues in an effort to become a full partner in a law firm (Ruffin, 2019). Given the atrocities faced by the protagonist, he even goes to the extent of advising his son to bleach his skin to lighten it (Ruffin, 2019). The book, Democracy in Black written by Eddie Claude Jr. examines the state of racism and racial equality after Obama America. Again, evils of racism form the main theme of the book. The author argues that American democracy is committed to white supremacy (Glaude, 2016). The book points out how the democratic principles of the United States perpetuate racism and its evils to the detriment of people of color (Glaude, 2016). The author then profoundly calls to arms citizens that desire for a more just future characterized by racial equality. In the book, Blood Done Sign My Name, Timothy Tyson narrates about the brutal death of a black man at the hands of a group of white men (Tyson, 2007). In this book, the evil nature of racism is unflinchingly exposed. The book extensively describes the racial turmoil in Oxford, North Carolina, in the 1970s (Tyson, 2007). The audience is clearly taken through the sinister effects of racism, including the breach of justice in the American Criminal justice system. The overarching theme of “evils of racism” dominant in these books is also largely explored in the collections previously shared in the course.