- Introduction and thesis statement: Introduce the topics and focus of your paper. Summarize briefly what you will be discussing.
- Describe three socially constructed identities (SCI): Identify three identities that are meaningful to you and describe them. One should include your ethnic/cultural identity. Describe concrete experiences of growing up that shaped your identity (e.g., parents, school, peers, teachers, neighbors, politics, policies, religious groups, etc.). This is a personal reflection.
- Describe your ethnic/cultural identity (SCI #1):
- Define this ethnicity or race. Provide a brief history of this identity within American society (e.g., racism, privilege, immigration, etc.). *provide the textbook citation.
- How did this identity form? Why does this identity matter to you? What role does it play in greater society? How has this identity influenced you?
- Examine the message received about this identity from groups such as your family, school, peer groups, and/or religious experiences that have influenced the perception of yourself and others, and social context (e.g., schools, media, government agencies, workforce, etc.). Has your identity changed over time?
- Describe your ethnic/cultural identity (SCI #1):
- SCI #2
- How did this identity form? Why does this identity matter to you? What role does it play in greater society? How has this identity influenced you?
- Examine the message received about this identity from groups such as your family, school, peer groups, and/or religious experiences that have influenced the perception of yourself and others, and social context (e.g., schools, media, government agencies, workforce, etc.). Has your identity changed over time?
- SCI#3
- How did this identity form? Why does this identity matter to you? What role does it play in greater society? How has this identity influenced you?
- Examine the message received about this identity from groups such as your family, school, peer groups, and/or religious experiences that have influenced the perception of yourself and others, and social context (e.g., schools, media, government agencies, workforce, etc.). Has your identity changed over time?
- SCI #2
3. Interview Experience- compare & contrast: Connect your interview assignment by comparing and contrastingthe information they shared with you. Please refer to specific interview questions to provide examples.
- How was your interviewee affected by their immigration process/status?
- What was surprisingly similar? Why?
- What was different from your experience?
- How did the interview experience influence you? What did you learn or found most meaningful?
4. Conclusion: Summarize the main points of your paper.
- Remind the reader what identities you discussed and which is most important to you.
- Why is it important to examine, teach, or learn about these identities?
- How will knowing these identities in general help you be better in your future career, explain?
References- required to use your course textbook and one additional source (e.g., assignments, activities, and/ or peer review articles) to develop your writing and help you reflect on your experiences. textbook is Lynch, E., & Hanson, M. J. (2011). Developing Cross-Cultural Competence: A Guide for Workingwith Children and Their Families. Brookes Publishing Company.
Submission Format: You will prepare a 4-5-page paper
- Introduction (provide a clear thesis statement)
- Conclusion (summarized and clearly connected to the topics discussed).
- Well organized paper: Effectively uses transitions to introduce topics and follows task outline format.
- Covers all points in task outline
- Demonstrates self-reflection and thoughtfulness by making appropriate connections of the course content to your own identity or the interview experience