
1. Using Audi as the case study, develop the GIP for Audi. (5 pts)




2. Using Audi as the case study and Automobile Travel as the ecosystem with Audi consumers in the middle, conduct the
Ecosystem Model Analysis: (a) List and define the 5 players/industries. (b) List at least 3 characteristics for each
player/industry. (c) Using PowerPoint, draw the Ecosystem model with industry relationships and justify why there is a
relationship. Copy the model into your Word document using “Paste Special – PDF or Picture.” (Cite part c relationships
as appropriate.) (25 pts.)

3. Using Audi as the case study, use the Blue Ocean Strategy Model to: (a) Determine and discuss the three tiers of customers.
(b) Determine and discuss what should be raised, reduced, created, and eliminated to change the structure of the industry
(2 factors for each). (25 pts)

4. Using Delta Airlines as the case study, use the Innovation Strategic Grid to: (a) Determine all of the current information
systems Delta has in operation on the Y-axis and whether they are high strategic or low strategic value. (b) Determine and
discuss at least 3 information systems applications that Delta Airlines has in their Application Development Portfolio on
the X-axis and whether they are high strategic or low strategic value (Cite part b as appropriate). (25 pts)

5. Using Delta Airlines as the case study: (a) Draw the Innovation Benefit/Risk Model using PowerPoint to develop the model
and draw the 3 information systems applications in 4b above, drawing the circles, size, and location based on the project
benefits and project risk. (b) Draw the systems in 4a above that will need to be upgraded – drawing the circles, size, and
location based on the project benefits and project risk. Copy the model into your Word document using “Paste Special –
PDF or Picture.” Discuss each of the systems in (a) and (b) above. (25 pts)

6. References: Be sure to add your references to your exam.