Essay Question: Discuss the emergence and importance of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR)
**750 Words**- Essay style
***Provide a detailed introduction to its main message (i.e. refer to some articles), intended objectives or aspirations, political and economic positioning, and the challenges with its implementation (including problems with jurisdiction and enforcement, changes it has incurred, and contemporary status).
Notes: Explore your topic by evaluating and summarising your topic and by drawing on examples that either indicate a protection or violation of those rights. You are expected to succinctly cover as many salient points of your topic as possible.
1. Introduce your topic by providing discursive, academic definitions and referring to specific articles of the relevant international human rights law.
2. Illustrate the importance and historical and philosophical emergence of specific aspects of international human rights, using credible academic sources to support your arguments.
3. Provide an example/s to illustrate how human rights were either protected or abused.
***A minimum of 5 academic sources has been set for this task (To satisfactorily respond to this question we estimate between 5-8 sources – minimum 5 academic and 3 non-academic). SEE TASK ADVICE FOR A FEW LISTS
**Lecture slides attached for guide to what was covered-PLEASE DON’T USE ANY NOTES FROM IT***