The assertion of racial beauty was not a reaction to the self–mocking, humorous critique of cultural/racial foibles common in all groups, but against the damaging internalization of assumptions of immutable inferiority originating in an outside gaze. I focused, therefore, on how something as grotesque as the demonization of an entire race could take root inside the most delicate member of society: a child; the most vulnerable: a female” (xi). – Toni Morrison, Foreword to The Bluest Eye
The books we are reading tackle important ideas likesystemic racism, economic oppression, emotional trauma, cultural supremacy, and the intersection between race and gender.For this assignment, you will be asked to write a literary analysis paper, 4–5pages long, Times New Roman, size 12 font, and double–spaced. You will be graded on clarity, content, focus, rhetoric, organization, and attention to all requirements of the assignment.
Prompt: In different ways, Ward and Morrison examine how poverty acts as a foundation for their characters’ attitudes and struggles and limits access to resources. In your chosen narrative, how does the author expose the ways in which economic practices or patterns form and perpetuate systemic, institutional racism?
Guideline : ANALYZE, do not summarize the text. 2)When appropriate, use close reading techniques to strengthen and support your argument. Consider literary elements and stylistic techniques we have talked about (such as symbolism, repetition, tone, organization, literary devices, cultural/historical references etc). *Note–You do NOT have to address all of them.3)Have a central argument or thesis at the end of the introductory paragraph. 4)Have paragraphs with clear topic sentences/sub–arguments, as well as appropriate transitions. 5)Selectively incorporate quotesfrom the author’s text in order to illustrate your argument. Use these quotes for analysis. 6)Use proper MLA in–text citations and include a works cited entry at the end. 7)Follow requirements about page length, font, spacing etc