
I’m trying to finish a writing proposal for my thesis about the use of music in advertisements and marketing. A part of this proposal is the literature review for which I will provide the directions below. I had another tutor working on this that did not know what a literature review was and kept providing me with a short non relevant essay regarding this topic using the research questions as the subject of each paragraph. To avoid such a situation again, I will provided an example of a literature review in the attachments.

Literature Review Guidelines – Use this section wisely to both explain past work in the area of study in which you have situated your project, and review what is already “known” about your topic area, as well as critique what has come before you study.

– Make sure that as you refine your area of research, you revise the lit review to “point” to your research questions. The lit review should be very focused on your topic and quite different from an annotated bibliography (listing the sources and summarizing what they said).

– There are multiple approaches to the organization of the review. It could be integrated by theoretical perspective, by sub-topics, etc. Just remember that it should flow like a narrative and culminate with your research questions as the logical outcome of the review. The reader should not be left with the feeling that the review leads to a completely different set of questions that would be much more interesting and/or valuable.

– Be sure that the information in your lit review is very up-to-date. No one wants to be told that a really similar study was published last month in Journal X.

Please make sure to follow the instructions I provided above. I found a few readings that I attached but please find a few more readings that are relevant to the thesis research questions (I will provide them below again), please include them in the literature review. Use these research questions as a guide for finding additional sources and discussing those sources in relation to the topic/research questions. Also, please provide citations and bibliography in APA format. Super appreciate the help – I’m working a full time job and help family with this whole Ukraine situation and won’t be able to finish this! Let me know if you have any questions or concerns or confusions and I’d be happy to clear anything up. Thank you!!

Research Questions:

  • How aware are audiences/consumers about the use of music in advertising and marketing?
  • To what extent, if any, does the use of music in advertising and marketing affect audiences/consumers?
  • How does the use of music in advertising and marketing affect consumers (in terms of decision making, brand awareness, etc.)?
  • How do consumers/audiences feel about the use of music in advertising and marketing?
  • To what extent, if any, do consumers have (or feel that they have) autonomy in their viewership, consumerism, and overall decision making?

I will provide slides that give a run-through of this thesis and if you have any questions please let me know.