
Hello Students,

We are continuing to look at individuals who have made a difference in the world by standing up for their beliefs to those in power. You have looked at Malala, Nelson Mandela, and Martin Luther King, Jr. as examples thus far.

Today, I want to introduce you to a man named Maajid Nawaz. He was a radical Muslim who was eventually sent to prison. While in prison, he views about Islam were changed by inmates who had been in prison for their radical views.

Now Maajid Nawaz travels the world arguing against the radical beliefs he used to celebrate.

Watch the 60 Minutes video about Maajid Nawaz’s work (if you can’t find my link, it is available on YouTube). Then, select ANY THREE of his quotations that you liked and EXPLAIN why you liked it on Canvas.

So, watch the video, read the quotes, select THREE you agree with, and make sure to EXPLAIN why you liked those particular quotes.

Three Maajid Nawaz quotes I agreed with and my explanation as to why I liked it:

First Quote:

Why I liked it:

Second Quote:

Why I liked it:

Third Quote:

Why I liked it: