
Using primary and secondary research, create an overview marketing strategy plan for a disruptive product in any industry. Feel free to use an existing product and work out at marketing plan for its relaunch. Whether its a cash cow, you want to re-energise or a dog, that needs to be marketed to a new marketing segment. Use what you have learnt in class to build an initial plan. Make sure to consider where further research may be required.

Examples of disruptive technologies of the past/current

– Netflix (which replaced blockbusters)

– Smart phones (replaced landlines, mobile phones, cameras, calculators, computers)

– 3D printing (replaces regular printing, building, or ordering parts)

– Virtual and Augmented reality (replaces trips/therapy sessions/training programmes)

The Marketing plan should be delivered in report format, clearly demonstrating the initial stage of research required by an organisation when they are creating a plan for a new product. Assignments should be no more than 2000 words and should clearly identify the key elements of planning a marketing strategy campaign for the chosen product.

Assignment opens on 18th February @ 12pm

Must be uploaded by Thur 17th March @ 11.59pm




Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganisation and clarity 20%

20 pts

Very High Quality (A)

Report is organised and well sequenced with smooth transitions. It previews, covers and develops main points.

18 pts

Good (B)

Report is organised, slides are well sequenced and most transitions happen easily. It previews and covers main points.

16 pts

Adequate (Pass)

Report inconsistent, with some parts well organised but others being rather disjointed.

14 pts

Inadequate (D)

Report is not well organised and the slide sequence does not help strengthen the argument.

0 pts

Fail (F)

Insufficient or no work.

20 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent 25%

25 pts

Very High Quality (A)

Content is highly relevant and well supported by detail and evidence of findings.

22.5 pts

Good (B)

Content is relevant and has basic supporting details.

20 pts

Adequate (Pass) (C)

Content is somewhat disjointed and lacks supporting details. Market research is basic.

17.5 pts

Inadequate (D)

Content is sufficient, but is missing some supporting details that could have helped to strengthen it. Little or no market research.

0 pts

Fail (F)

Insufficient or no work.

25 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIssue and Solution Identification. 25%

25 pts

Very High Quality (A)

Issue is clearly explained and a clear result of market research and insight. well thought through and meets all the identified needs from the issue.

22.5 pts

Good (B)

Issue directly follows from market research and solution follows from the issue.

20 pts

Adequate (Pass) (C)

Link between issue and market research is tenuous. Solution only tenuously connected to the issue.

17.5 pts

Inadequate (D)

Issue poorly defined and unrelated to market research. Proposed solution does not meet the needs of the issue.

0 pts

Fail (F)

Insufficient or no conclusion.

25 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCreative Output 10%

10 pts

Very High Quality (A)

Used a range of tools to illustrate the chosen brands situation, clearly demonstrated a wide level of sources were researched to provide a deep knowledge of the brand, professionally presented, consistent and aligned with the market analysis, backed up with evidence

9 pts

Good (B)

Used a range of tools to illustrate the chosen brands situation however content / message is inconsistent, demonstrated a range of sources researched to provide a good knowledge of the brand, professionally presented, some inconsistency and therefore not aligned with the market analysis,

8 pts

Adequate (Pass) (C)

A few tools used to illustrate the chosen brands situation however content / message is inconsistent, a few sources used for brand research a reasonable knowledge of the brand, basis presentation, a number of inconsistencies and therefore not aligned with the market analysis,

7 pts

Inadequate (D)

Creative output is basic, unimaginative, off-brand, inconsistent and/or not aligned with the market analysis.

0 pts

Fail (F)

Insufficient or no work.

10 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeConclusion and Solution 20%

20 pts

Very High Quality (A)

Conclusion and Solution are both clear, compelling, and supported by quality research and analysis. Includes a review of key points.

18 pts

Good (B)

Conclusion is clear and supported by research and analysis. Solution includes a review of key points of how it relates to the research.

16 pts

Adequate (Pass) (C)

Conclusion was only partially supported by research and analysis, but Solution was not clear nor obvious.

14 pts

Inadequate (D)

Conclusion is not clear and did not seem to support the analysis or key points.

0 pts

Fail (F)

Insufficient or no conclusion.

20 pts

Total Points: 100