
1. How will the Masters in Management help you to achieve your academic and professional goals? – 600 words
a. Comment on me building skills to use and help my family’s organisation grow and be better managed
b. Bring back a company which I founded – tea company – now that I have more sense, knowledge and experience with work and clearer vision of what I want and where I want to head with this company

2. During your time as a Masters in Management student, how will you contribute to the School community? – 400 words

3. Do you feel that your academic performance so far gives an accurate indication of your potential for success on the programme? If so, why? If not, why not? – 100 words
a. Comment on the fact that I’ve been actively working during my undergraduate university years and therefore not being able to have great consistent grades as I wished, however, I’m still averaging a 2:1 and expect to finish with a First. As of now, in my Third Year, I have only achieved Firsts for my assessments so far.

4. If you will graduate from your current studies after submitting your application, what do you plan to do in the time you have prior to the start of the programme? – 100 words

a. I intend to work during the time prior to starting the Masters in Management Programme. I plan to work for a month and a half in Beijing, China; for a trading company and another month and a half in Luanda, Angola; in my family’s holding company.

5. What are your post-Masters in Management career goals? Please state your ideal sector, role and function. – 200 words
a. comment on the fact that I want to work with my family’s organisation, managing and becoming the president of a holding which controls a construction company, maintenance company, food distribution companies from farms to supermarkets and a real estate company.

6. What would be your Plan B career goals? – 200 words
a. Working in a consulting company.

7. Tell us about your main interests and activities in your free time. – 200 words
a. I go to conferences and forums about world affairs, emerging markets and financial technology. 
- I read a lot of books related to psychology, business, etc…
- Read The Economist and FT…

8. Please tell us your most significant international experiences to date – 200 words
a. Interning in Angola, working with and understanding the intricacy of supermarkets and the food distribution chain.
- Interning in China, working with buying and selling of food products, using my Mandarin skills to negotiate.
- Interning in Portugal, working with selling and supplying customers with exported Portuguese products, at a trading company.

9. Based on your current knowledge of the programme, what do you think will be the key challenges for you during the Masters in Management, both academically and personally? How do you intend to overcome these challenges? – 300 words

10. We encourage applicants to take into consideration the impact of study on family and friends. Who have you discussed your plans with and what was the response? – 200 words