Part 1……
Capstone Experience Mentor Interview
As part of the mentoring process, you will conduct an interview of your mentor. This project will help to enhance your knowledge of the skills, attitudes, and professional behaviors of a person in your position of interest.
Follow the directions below for completing this assignment:
• You must ask your mentor the following 3 questions:
o An aspect of their position that they find the most challenging and most rewarding
o What the mentor likes best and least about their position?
o What advice or direction they would give to you as an aspiring mentee in a similar position?
• In addition to the 3 questions listed above, develop 5 more of your own interview questions (for a total of at least 8 questions) that would facilitate a better understanding of various aspects of your mentor’s professional responsibilities.
• Conduct the interview face-to-face.
• Your final typed interview should NOT be in question-and-answer format.
Rather, the interview should be written as a “paper” that flows from question to answer throughout the document.
After completing the interview, write a paper (a minimum of 750 words) that includes the following:
• Name of mentor
• Position (Behavioral Health Education Generalist, Just changed position to Activity Therapist)
• Name of agency or school affiliation (BayCare Health System)
• Educational background or preparation (Bachelor’s in Psychology, Master’s in Bio Medical. Ordained Minister).
• Brief description (approximately one paragraph) of your Capstone experience and the role that the mentor played in that
• Summary of the interview including:
o Your overall impression of the mentor’s position–after your experience with the mentor, and perceiving the skills, values, and professional behaviors of the mentor, is this a position that you would aspire to be in one day?
• Include the original list of questions that you developed
Submit to the drop box titled “Mentor Interview” by the due date.
Please make sure that your assignment includes a title page, running head
o An aspect of your position do you find the most challenging and most
The most challenging aspect of my position that I find most rewarding is the training of our new hires who have never worked in Behavioral Health before. Most of the time, we had to destroy any of their previous beliefs about people living with mental illnesses or addictions. Our culture isn’t always the best with showing the reality of the behavioral health field, but if you can show people how they can push their fear to the side to provide meaningful care and help, you will always be amazed at what can happen.
o What do you likes best and least about your position?
I like that I had some flexibility with how to approach different problems that existed on our units. It is one thing to just say “educate your teams,” but an entirely different thing to create something meaningful that will be impactful.
I did not always enjoy the amount of hours that it took to train 7 different hospitals across 5 counties (day and night shift).
o What advice or direction would you give to you as an aspiring mentee in a
similar position?
I would advise my mentee to always chase what they are passionate about. If you really see the purpose behind your work, it becomes more of a personal mission to succeed with than just work that someone else handed to you.
Additional 5 questions.
Q. Why did you decide to be an educator?
I decided to be an educator because I like the “aha” moment when you show someone a faster, more efficient, better way of doing something that works. Too many people experience burn out because they don’t know why they are doing something a certain way. This kind of connected those dots for a lot of team members.
Q. If you could change one thing about your job as an Education Generalist, what would it be?
I would change how many the ratio of Team Members to Educator. Nobody is able to learn efficiently when they are just a number. To really provide the best education, you have to spend long, quality time with who you are teaching.
Q. What did you enjoy the most about your job as an education generalist?
I liked being able to solve problems with creative solutions rather than just being handed a set of tasks that someone else developed. There was a lot of freedom with making the curriculum.
Q. Were you involved in direct patient care?
In my role as Educator, I was not involved with direct patient care. I am an Advanced NAPPI instructor though so the closest I would come to the patients would be reviewing restraint episodes on footage and evaluating if the TM used their NAPPI skills appropriately on the patients.
Q. What are your prior work experiences?
Some of my previous roles were Mental Health Technician, Discharge Planner, and Activities Therapist. I participated on Tampa General Hospital’s Ethics board as an intern and I participated in Mease Dunedin Hospital’s Ethics board as an inducted member.
Part 2….
Reflect on mentor interview:
- Has your mentor interview changed you view of your career choice?
- Has your mentor motivated to keep going on the same path?
- Have they given you suggestions on what you should do to better prep for the job?
In a response of 150-200 words, please answer the above questions.