
MMM267 – Business Logistics 3000 words

In the aftermath of the pandemic, supply chains across the world have been left crippled and such

effects have also been felt in Australia. With staff being furloughed or having to isolate, businesses

have had to run at much less than full capacity and in many cases have had to suspend their

operations outright. Transportation links have been hugely impacted too with freight deliveries

being delayed or curtailed due to testing, isolation and vaccination requirements affecting the

workforce. Some businesses with proper contingency planning in place have been able to absorb

the impact better than their competition, thereby gaining an advantageous position in the market.

Others have tried to learn their lessons the hard way and the ones to have survived and come out

the other side will therefore be expected to be smarter and better prepared for the next disruption.

For this assignment, you are to select any ASX-listed business organization and write an in-depth

research report on their operations and supply chain practices with particular emphasis on how

well they have (or haven’t) faced the challenges of the pandemic and what they have possibly

learnt that could enable them to be better prepared to face a massively disruptive event in future.

You are advised to access the following website and select any ASX-listed

mining/manufacturing/retail business organization that you would prefer to use for the purpose of

this assignment:…

Note: Students are advised not to select a service organization (e.g. banks) for the purpose of this

assignment unless they have actual work experience in a service organization because it may be

particularly difficult to access relevant information concerning their operations and supply chain

relative to manufacturing or retail businesses. If you are insistent on choosing a service organization

then please first consult a unit teaching team member before proceeding with the assignment.