
GROUP PROJECT: Apply the knowledge you’ve gained about Vernacular Dramas of the Middle Ages, from the assigned reading, the power point, videos, and script of Everyman, and invent a contemporary MORALITY PLAY for 2020.

DISCUSSION: In your group, have a discussion about moral issues of today.

DISCUSSION: Choose one present day morality issue or one of the 7 deadly sins to base the plot of your morality play on.

DISCUSSION: Invent a story that will teach a lesson about this issue.


  1. List of Group Members
  2. Title of your Morality Play: give your Morality Play an appropriate title.
  3. Write a synopsis of the Plot. Describe what happens in the play – in a brief, clear description. You DO NOT need to write an entire script.
  4. The play must teach a moral lesson through the action of the play. What is the moral lesson of your contemporary Morality Play?
  5. List the Names of Characters: Remember, in Morality Plays the Character’s names describe their role in telling the moral lesson. For examples, refer to the character’s names in Everyman.
  6. Describe the Costumes of the Characters. Remember, the Costumes in Morality Plays also describe the Character’s traits, positive and negative. For example if the Character’s name is Moneybags, his suit might be gold.
  7. Identify a television program or movie that could be considered a Morality Play. Defend your ideas by explaining what similarities it shares with a morality play.


Contemporary Morality Play Rubric

Contemporary Morality Play Rubric

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeApplication of knowledgeEvidence of applying knowledge acquired by reading and studying Medieval/Middle Ages Theater reading assignment, studying power point, and video viewing.

5.0 pts

Full Marks

Clear and accurate application of all assigned reading and viewing materials

3.0 pts

Some Marks

some application of knowledge is apparent

0.0 pts

No Marks

Project does not apply knowledge gained from assigned reading and viewing assignments

5.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMaking connectionsMaking a contemporary connection between Morality plays of the Middle Ages with contemporary issues of morality today.

5.0 pts

Full Marks

Strong contemporary connections made between Morality plays of the Middle Ages with contemporary issues of morality today.

3.0 pts

Some marks

Some contemporary connections between Morality plays of the Middle Ages with contemporary issues of morality today have been made

0.0 pts

No Marks

Lacks contemporary connection between Morality plays of the Middle Ages with contemporary issues of morality today.

5.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCharacter NamesThe connection between Character Names and the moral lesson being taught

5.0 pts

Full Marks

Strong connection between Character Names and the moral lesson being taught

3.0 pts

Some Marks

Some connection between Character Names and the moral lesson being taught

0.0 pts

No Marks

No connection between Character Names and the moral lesson being taught

5.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDesign ElementsApplication of the way Design Elements were used for theater during Medieval era. (type of stage used, costuming, etc.)

5.0 pts

Full Marks

Strong application of the way Design Elements were used for theater during Medieval era.

3.0 pts

Some marks

Some application of the way Design Elements were used for theater during Medieval era.

0.0 pts

No Marks

no application of the way Design Elements were used for theater during Medieval era.

5.0 pts

Total Points: 20.0

Use this copy of EVERYMAN as a reference for your Morality Play assignment.…