
Given test file as screenshot

3)From the test file, open inspector in JASP.

An industrial psychologist constructed a test intended to predict the on-the-job success of applicants for the position of inspector. In order to discover how well her test worked, she gave her new test to the first applicants for the job and hired them on probationary status regardless of their test scores. She then counted the number of faulty approvals by each applicant during their first week on the job.

Choose the appropriate test statistic. Run the test is JASP. Complete a write-up for your analysis.

Applicant – nomial
test score – score earned on the test at the time of application for the inspector
faulty approval – how many mistakes the the application makes in approving faulty products.

4)From the test file open course evaluations in JASP.

An Introductory Psychology teacher wanted to know the relationship between course grades and course evaluation. He had all students in his Introductory Psychology sections complete a course evaluation. From these evaluations, he randomly selected the course evaluation of 15 students. He correlated their course-evaluation scores with their course grades, letting A = 5, B = 4, C = 3, D = 2, and F = 1.

Choose the appropriate test statistic. Run the test is JASP. Complete a write-up for your analysis.

student – nomial
grade – A = 5, B = 4, C = 3, D = 2, and F = 1
evaluation – scale 1-10 with 10 being the best and 1 is the worst evaluation