
Each mini group will complete an analytical report which delivers on the proposal, and which also contains the field research. Each student is free to choose how to organize the structure and content of the report, but the analytical reports must as minimum include these elements:

  • Introduction
    • Introduces the report to the reader, which includes a description of the purpose, business challenges, output value, methodology/structure, assumptions, definitions, etc.
  • Situation Research
    • Situation research identifies and present all relevant information found about the situation at hand relative to the selected purpose and business challenge.
    • Presents and organize all the relevant primary and secondary information collected into a coherent and integrated presentation
    • The conducted field research is considered part of the relevant primary information and should therefore be included in the research
  • Situation Analysis
    • Interpretation of the information presented in the situation research
    • Identification and discussion of core insights and issues that might explain the drivers, consequences, and root causes of the business challenge
  • Recommendation
    • Outline of different options to solve the business challenge by addressing the most important issues identified in the situation analysis
    • Comparison of costs, benefits, and risks of the different options
    • Provides a recommendation/conclusion about how the challenge should be solved
  • Learnings
    • A short description of the key learnings about reporting techniques which the student has gained from working on the analytical report
  • Visualizations
    • Illustrations, pictures, or similar to support different information and insights presented in the report.
  • References
    • Proper identification of sources to content used in the report.
    • Footnote references are OK.

The scope of the analytical report is approx. 5.000 words (+/- 20%) excl. front page, list of content, illustrations/visualizations, and attachments. Report must include a front page with a title and the full name of the students. Report must be saved as a file starting with the name of the group (e.g. “Canada – Analytical report.pdf”)