Please respond to both POST1: and POST2: in at least 200 words each. I have included the professors original post only as reference.
Professors original post:
Recent advancements in project management have emerged, transcending the traditional model for project development.
Compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages of the
waterfall planning model with the Agile PM approach. How are the duties
of the Scrum Master similar to or different from a project manager?
the world of project management, there are different methodologies that
can be used in the planning and execution phase of a project. While
some organizations might prefer one method over another, there is no
single right one to use. However, before one is chosen, it should be
examined to see if the features, advantages, and disadvantages are the
right fit for the project.
Waterfall Planning Model
The waterfall planning model is a more traditional and formalized
method. Waterfall planning involves thorough planning and structure of
the project prior to the development of the deliverable. Scope, time,
and cost are formalized, and any changes must go through a formalized
process (Grech, 2015). The project manager’s role is to ensure the
successful completion of each lifecycle following the established scope,
time, and cost.
Agile Methodologies
Agile approaches in project management allows for more freedom in the
project management process. It allows for stakeholders and the customer
to prioritize the deliverables and make adjustments along the way.
Managing scope changes can be faster, but this is not always the case.
While there are additional creative freedoms, there still is a framework
in place. There is accountability and an assessment process to ensure
the measurement of the deliverables is meeting the needs of the
customer. In these projects, there is an assigned scrum master. It is
the role of the scrum master to help teams overcome obstacles to achieve
their goals (Martinelli & Milosevich, 2016).
Grech, T. (2015). The intersection of agile and waterfall. Industrial
Engineer: IE, 47(8), 47. Retrieved from…
Martinelli, R. J., & Milosevich, D. Z. (2016). Project management
toolbox: Tools and techniques for the practicing project manager (2nd
ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons.
Hello Class,
Waterfall planning and Agile planning are both used in planning and
executing a project. The Waterfall planning model takes after its name
where one activity must be completed before moving on to another like a
waterfall starts at the top and works its way down without deviating
from its path. According to the writers at Guru99, the waterfall
methodology will only move in sequential order, so the team will only
move on to the next step or testing once the previous step is completed
(2020). A disadvantage of this is it can hinder development if the
project needs to be adjusted the team can not move back to make changes
from a previous phase as easily as they could in the Agile approach.
The Agile approach is a bit more, for lack of better term fluid. It
allows the team to go between development and testing activities at the
same time. An advantage of this is it allows constant communication
between teams which will hopefully develop stronger and better-tested
projects since they can discuss testing and further development directly
after prototypes have been made. This model takes more expert managing
since there is a less structured design to follow.
A Scrum Master utilizing the Agile method is more a coach and
faciliatory while a project manager will help more to manage the project
timeline, resources, and overall scope of the project (Frederico, A.
2015). According to Martinelli & Milosevich (2016), the Scrum Team
is responsible for analyzing, designing, developing, testing,
communicating, and documenting product increments. The Scrum Master is
responsible for problem-solving any issues the team may have that will
hinder the project outline. They will help ensure the scrum process is
properly used.
Frederico, A. (2015). What’s the difference between a project manager
and a scrum master? Retrieved from…
Guru99. (2020). Waterfall vs. Agile: Must know differences. Retrieved from
Martinelli, R. J., & Milosevich, D. Z. (2016). Project
management toolbox: Tools and techniques for the practicing project
manager (2nd ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons