Heighted below in bold is my research question:
How illicit drugs trade from Columbian and Brazil have found a new route of transportation through many West African Nations and the effect this creates to United National security and US foreign policy.
I want to first detail the background of the Columbian drug lord and how they transported their drugs to the US. Next step will be to explain how the closing of those drug trafficking routs led the Columbian drug lord to find new route through Mexico and how Mexican cartels became the middle men and what effect this had of Columbian drug trafficking operation. Next is that after Mexico established themselves as producer and suppliers most illicit drug into the US, how has this force the Columbian cartel to search for new trafficking route into West African. Detail what sort of damage and negative affect are drug trafficking having the population these West African nation that are involve. Finally how is this creating problem for United States national security and it humanitarian effort around the world?
Instructions on the assignment:
This assignment is a research paper of 18 pages, excluding title and reference pages, double space, Time New Roman and 12point font. With a minimum of 14 Peer Review References. Chicago Turabian citation with footnotes. This means you will choose a topic that is focused on intelligence (or be intelligence related and you explain how it is important to intelligence), identify your research sources, identify and apply a research method to your paper, and draft a paper that defends your main point/thesis.
The field of intelligence studies is an interdisciplinary in that it incorporates elements important to economics, business, psychology, international relations, political science, criminal justice, security studies and more. The term “intelligence” can refer to both a product as well as a process, and a topic that is important to “intelligence” would be something that supports a particular requirement or mission.
The United States Intelligence Activities further explains that the goals of United States intelligence in its official government capacity is geared towards assisting leaders make decisions specific to foreign, defense, and economic policies and the protection of the US national interest
Your paper must have a solid, pointed premise. A solid main point is a conclusion of analysis, based on your research that is reasoned and pointed. Your thesis must be in the first paragraph or section of your paper. You cannot choose a main point, which is obvious or self-evident (terrorism led to the war in Afghanistan or the lack of WMD in Iraq was an intelligence mistake). You must ask a research question, research, and draw a conclusion or answer to the question. Your research question should be stated as a
declarative sentence in your introduction. That declarative statement is your premise or hypothesis. You must be specific, not vague or general.
You should be sure to have a thesis that addresses the topic you are focusing on and that this thesis is CLEAR and UNAMBIGUOUS.