Since you did last essay I believe your the best person that can my next essay since its a follow up from the last.. I’m not sure if you can go back & see what you wrote but it’s on immigration
(4-5 pages)
First draft due on Canvas for electronic peer review by Monday, April 20th 11:59 PM
Peer review responses due on Canvas by Thursday, April 23nd at 11:59PM.
Final Revisions due on Canvas Monday, April 27th 11:59 PM
***UPDATE*** In the comments on your revision please tell me:
1) what kinds of changes you made and why (feedback from a peer, from software like Grammarly, from a CTL tutor, from the revision and editing activities I gave you)
2) whether you would like detailed feedback about writing or just a grade
Official Comp Program Prompt: Using their research in the annotated bibliography, students identify an angle or theme or position they can support about their topic, and they write a position essay for an academic audience. This angle or position will likely be a response to the research question that drove the annotated bibliography; this response will not often be an answer to the question, but rather a statement about the possible answers to the question or a statement about the difficulty of answering the question with any certainly, etc.
Dr. Koppy: As you completed Project 3, you learned a lot about your chosen topic! Now that you know a ll this stuff from a variety of sources, it’s time to synthesize what you’ve learned.
In Essay 4, you develop a thesis statement that reflects what YOU think is important about your topic. You will use some of the ideas and information from your Project 3 sources as evidence and information in the body paragraphs of Essay 4, but YOU are in charge of the conversation at this tea party. The center of this essay is your ideas about the topic and what you think people need to know.
Essay 4
Criteria | Ratings | |||||
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeThis essay is sophisticated and is a pleasure to read.10 points |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeThe scope of the essay is focused appropriately for the topic and for the page requirements.10 points |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeComprehensively explores an issue (questioning different viewpoints about an issue and understanding the larger implications of these viewpoints). Demonstrates an understanding of the complexities of issues in writing that incorporates nuance, qualification, etc.25 points |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIntegrates different ideas and arguments from various texts while make connections between texts and the world25 points |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeUses attributive tags and parenthetical citations in MLA format to distinguish between a writer’s words and ideas and those of sources20 points |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSentence structures are varied, and the style is appropriate for the audience.15 points |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeErrors of conventions (spelling, punctuation, and grammar) are distracting10 points |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeThe essay is well organized, and transitions to guide the reader through the writer’s logic.15 points |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeStudent engaged in revision. There are significant differences between the draft and the revised submission.10 points. |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeStudent participated fully in peer review.10 points. |