Topic Selection for Project: To select a topic, students should consider the following questions: Is it a genuine global health issue, problem, or concern? Are you personally interested in discussing and/or advocating for the interventions or strategies that have been proposed or implemented to address the issue? The report must be inspired by an actual problem or concern that exists in contemporary society. Considering the concepts learned in class, reports should be written from a global health perspective.
Examples of broad topics may include: addressing health conditions such as HIV/AIDS; breast feeding interventions and maternal/child health; community-based health interventions for persons in rural areas; education or employment interventions for persons with disabilities; etc. It is important to narrow your topic and geographical location, and focus on a particular/specific health issue or problem.
Format of Report: Reports should be a maximum of 8 pages double-spaced (including in-text references, BUT excluding the title page, table of contents, reference list, tables/figures, and appendices) and typed using 12-point Times New Roman Font with 1-inch margins and page numbers. Material over the page limit will not be read. If necessary for clarity, you may use “I/we”, but avoid starting every sentence with “I/we”. The paper should be written to an academic audience of fellow students.
please do not accept the offer if you are not familiar with the assignment.