
Reflection Project
The main goal of this project is to showcase what you have learned in this course, how you apply that
knowledge to the core ideas that Politics is Everywhere, Politics is Conflictual, & The Political Process
Matters. This project will allow you to showcase some of your own creativity in demonstrating this. You
may format the project however you like (examples could be an essay, a PowerPoint, or a video
presentation) as long as it satisfies the rubric below.
Requirement Description Points


The introduction should introduce your project. Tell me about the
structure (essay, ppt, video, etc.), why you chose this style, and how
you will address each of the four main sections of the body. Tell me
what youre going to tell me.

Politics is

Your goal here is to show your understanding of the concept that
Politics is everywhere. Define the concept using your own words and
use specific evidence/references from chapters/concepts that we have
covered in this course to help demonstrate this.

Politics is

Your goal here is to show your understanding of the concept that
Politics is Conflictual. Define the concept using your own words and
use specific evidence/references from chapters/concepts that we have
covered in this course to help demonstrate this.

The Political
Process Matters

Your goal here is to show your understanding of the concept that the
Political Process Matters. Define the concept using your own words
and use specific evidence/references from chapters/concepts that we
have covered in this course to help demonstrate this.

Future Application

Given what you have learned about the three key concepts, how have
these concepts (and this course) have (or have not) influenced your
political involvement? How do you intend to be active in US
Government in the future? Why?


Give a summary of your project (tell me what you told me) and talk a
little about how this project has helped with your understanding of the
course as a whole.
You may format the project however you like (examples could be an essay, a PowerPoint